Cancer Medicine Surgery

Don’t annoy the radiologist…

…or so says #1 Dinosaur, who was buried under a blizzard of radiology reports. I tend to agree up to a point, but the only problem from my perspective is this: Until recently, it was not at all uncommon for me to get seemingly millions of copies of every radiology report for mammography, ultrasound, and […]

Clinical trials Medicine Science

A medical school only to train physician-scientists?

This story, first brought to my attention by Drugmonkey, is something that I’ve been meaning to blog about since I first saw it. The reason, of course, should be obvious, given that my career is an example of the end product that the medical school described is going to be designed to produce: that of […]


Fast approaching: The Skeptics’ Circle

Holy crap, time flies. In fact, it flies to fast that I actually forgot to do this when I normally do: the Friday announcement of an impending Skeptics’ Circle. This Thursday (that’s April 10, folks), the host is Archaeoporn (who, by the way, posted a really hilarious April Fools’ Day post about the upcoming Indiana […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Blogging Medicine Politics

An open letter to David Kirby and Dan Olmsted about the Kathleen Seidel subpoena

Dear Mr. Kirby and Mr. Olmsted: You are both journalists. I realize that neither of you at present work for the traditional press and that both of you seem to devote yourselves mainly to blogging (Mr. Olmsted at the Age of Autism and Mr. Kirby at the Huffington Post), but I have to believe that […]

Announcements Cancer Medicine

You want hardcore science blogging, here it is…

…at the Cancer Research Blog Carnival #8, hosted over at The Skeptical Alchemist. Just the thing to while away a Saturday afternoon!