Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

A Friday rant about nonscience- and nonevidence-based medicine…

…courtesy of fellow ScienceBlogger Jake Young. Two money quotes: “First, what is CAM bringing to the table that science and medicine didn’t have? Good feelings. Acquaintance with the ways ignorance. Newer, better superstitions. Frankly, you can keep them.” “Science complemented by non-science ceases to be science, and there are no alternatives to the truth.” I […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: Water, water, everywhere, and a lot of woo to drink

Water. It’s the essence of life. Our bodies are mostly made up of it, and we can’t live without it for very long. Our cells both contain it and are bathed in it. The enzymatic reactions necessary for life require an aqueous solution to work. Don’t think these facts have escaped the woo-meisters, either. Water […]