Bioethics History Medicine

I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy…

…At least, that’s what I most definitely say after reading this account of The rise & fall of the prefrontal lobotomy. One question that stands out: How could a stepmother force her stepson to get a lobotomy just because she didn’t like his sullenness and defiance, even after being told by other doctors that there […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Quackery

More on legalized quackery in Arizona

Yesterday, when I wrote about a death in Arizona caused by a homeopath doing liposuction, what amazed me the most was that homeopaths are licensed in Arizona. Although I alluded to it only briefly in yesterday’s post, I was truly astounded at what homeopaths are allowed to do in Arizona. It piqued my curiosity–and horror. […]

History Holocaust World War II

So the Nazi Generals knew more than they claimed…

While I’m back on the subject of Nazi Germany, here’s a rather interesting tidbit of news about a book that I’ll undoubtedly want to read when it comes out: During the latter half of World War II, the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) undertook a massive clandestine operation of which the full, extraordinary details are […]

History Holocaust World War II

D’oh! How’d I become a Nazi?

Here’s a bummer of a bit of information that some elderly Germans are discovering: Hundreds of elderly Germans are being confronted with the revelation that they were recruited into the Nazi party during the second world war. Historians researching Nazi party archives in Frankfurt have discovered that a string of prominent Germans were among those […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Surgery

Death by homeopathic surgery

Normally, when I hear such a term as “homeopathic surgery” or of homeopaths doing surgery, I get the irresistable urge to make jokes about it, such as wondering if homeopathic surgery is surgery diluted down to the point where not a single cell in the body is injured or whether homeopathic surgeons make ultra-tiny incisions. […]