Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The Egnor challenge, day 3

Two days ago, I posted a challenge to Dr. Egnor and clarified that challenge yesterday. Thus far, there has been no answer. I’m still waiting.

Autism Medicine

The genetics of autism

I had been planning on blogging about a couple of recent studies identifiying multiple genes that appear to be associated with autism and autism spectrum disorders, thus adding to the body of evidence showing that autism and ASDs have a significant genetic basis as part of their etiology. It turns out, however, that Steve Novella, […]

Bioethics Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The dichloroacetate (DCA) “self-experimentation” phenomenon hits the mainstream media

It figures. Whenever I go away for a conference, things of interest to me that I’d like to blog about start happening fast and furious. Indeed, I could only deal with one of them, and I chose to post my challenge to the Paleyist “intelligent design” creationist surgeon, Dr. William Egnor. Now that I’m back, […]

Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Sunday afternoon fisk-fest: The mercury militia edition

I’ll be on the road as this posts. However, for your edification, enjoy a tag-team smackdown of some truly ignorant “mercury causes autism” evidence-free handwaving, courtesy of Dad of Cameron and Not Mercury. In keeping with the theme of twos, it’s done in two parts, separated by two weeks: Part 1: A Hot Cup of […]

Announcements Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

The Egnor challenge, day 2

Yesterday, at the end of a post about the fallacious statements about evolution that Dr. Mike Egnor, a Professor of Neurosurgery, has been routinely serving up at the Discovery Institute, I made a challenge. I think I’ll repeat it daily for a while until we see if he’s up to answering it. It should be […]