Science fiction/fantasy

I had questions, you wanted answers…

Last week, in the commentary after taking yet another silly Internet test, one that happened to reveal that the supervillain that I’m best suited to be is Doctor Doom, there were others who also tested as Doctor Doom. In order to separate the real Doom from the Doombots, I asked a few simple questions to […]

Medicine Surgery

Well, I’m glad they finally found a good use for stem cell therapy

It figures, it really does, that this would have to be one of the first clinical uses of stem cells that they’d come up with. The really weird thing about this article is its schizophrenic nature. It starts out with a sensationalistic description of the new use of stem cells, and then it describes the […]

Friday Woo Medicine Paranormal Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: The Color of Woo (Green, Of Course!)

Like most people, I like making money. True, it’s not the main goal of my life (otherwise I definitely wouldn’t be in academics), but, all in all, it’s better to be comfortably off than to be poor. And, as I’ve said before, although I could make more in private practice, I don’t do too badly […]


The History Carnival

Fellow ScienceBlogger Martin is hosting the History Carnival over at Aardvarchaeology. More good stuff to peruse!

Announcements Skepticism/critical thinking

The 54th Meeting of the Skeptics Circle, as done by Mickey Spillane (or someone very much like him)

It’s that time again, when the part of the blogosphere that celebrates critical thinking over the usual credulousness that allows dubious stories to spread far and wide meets to examine those stories and claims with a hard-nosed skepticism. And few skeptics, it would seem, are as tough as the narrator of this edition of the […]