Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Quackery

Your Friday Dose of Woo: Activate your DNA!

There are times when the struggle to keep cranking out Your Friday Dose of Woo every week starts to get to me. No, it’s not because I don’t enjoy putting together these little light-hearted but pointed analyses of some of the strangest woo that I’ve come across. Believe me, many times it’s the highlight of […]


Resveratrol as an antiaging treatment?

Let Abel Pharmboy put all the hype over the study showing that resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, can extend the lifespan of mice by 20-30% in better perspective for you.

History Holocaust

Ready for some history?

The History Carnival XLII has been posted at Holocaust Controversies. Sergey runs a great blog about Holocaust denial and history; you should add Holocaust Controversies to your regular blogroll. One entry that particularly saddened me was the story of how, which was a great resource for information on the Aktion Reinhard camps, self-destructed. Sergey […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

From the ridiculous to the sublime: A journalist takes down Suzanne Somers over “bio-identicals”

Suzanne Somers annoys me. She annoys me because, despite the fact that her statements and activities over the last 25 years reveal her to be probably no more intelligent than the character that she played on Three’s Company, she still feels the need to spread misinformation about diet and medicine in several books that she […]


Change of Shift time

The latest edition of Change of Shift, the blog carnival about nursing, has been posted at DisappearingJohn RN.