EneMan Science

37 years ago today: The Moon

Thirty seven years ago today, on July 20, 1969, Commander Neil Armstrong became the first man ever to walk on the Moon. (You can quibble and say it was July 21 by Universal Time (a.k.a. Greenwich Mean Time), but I’m an American, and to me as a child it happened on July 20. In any […]

Skepticism/critical thinking

The 39th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle: Scooby snacks, anyone?

Zoinks! Why didn’t anyone think of this before? This week’s Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle starts out in the Mystery Machine, courtesy of Big Heathen Mike at Mike’s Weekly Skeptic Rant: We join the gang as everyone got ready for a weekend adventure… Everyone piled into the stretch Mystery Machine and headed off on our […]

Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Tangled Bank

The latest Tangled Bank has been posted at a fellow skeptic’s blog, Salto Sobrius, who, it just so happens, is also scheduled to host the Skeptics’ Circle in September. Go catch up on the best science blogging of the last two weeks. Speaking of the Skeptics’ Circle, you still have a few hours left to […]

Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

iPods cause autism?

I thought this was a joke when a reader e-mailed me about it. I mean, it’s just so over-the-top that I had a hard time believing that it was real. It was (found via MacDailyNews):

Medicine Politics Science

President Bush’s first veto

Here we are, five and a half years into George W. Bush’s Presidency, and he’s not yet vetoed a bill. Not even a single bill. All sorts of bad legislation have been passed, from the bankruptcy reform legislation that makes it harder for people to start again after declaring bankruptcy, to budgets containing huge increases […]