
A sign of the times

One of the annoyances of becoming an attending is the need to sign up for managed care and insurance plans. The forms are all similar, but they are sufficiently different that you can’t just fill one out and be done with it. Every couple of years, a flood of paperwork comes through, asking for renewal. […]


Nurses’ Day

I can’t believe I almost forgot this, but in the U.S. May 6 is Nurses’ Day. Doctors, show the nurses you work with how much you appreciate their care and help. I know my clinical workload would be far less manageable without my nurse; I might not even be able to handle it and my […]

Intelligent design/creationism Medicine

I hang my head in shame for my profession a second time

Lately, I’ve been frequently lamenting how easily physicians can be seduced by the pseudoscience known as “intelligent design” (ID) creationism (or even old-fashioned young earth creationism). Yesterday, I even hung my head in shame after learning of a particularly clueless creationist surgeon, to the point of speculating that I might not be able to show […]

Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

I hang my head in shame for my profession

Damn you, PZ! I know I spent three whole posts discussing the problem of credulity towards creationism among physicians. I spent a lot of time in those posts explaining potential reasons why physicians might be susceptible to the blandishments of creationists and even used the example of a medical student who is a proud young […]

Blogging Medicine

Happy Birthday to Kevin!

Kevin, MD, one of the big names in the medical blogosphere, is two years old today. His style is a lot less wordy than mine, as he is more given to “Instapundit“-style “link and comment” posts, but he sure does find a lot of interesting material. I don’t know where or how he comes up […]