
Grand Rounds Vol. 2 No. 29

Grand Rounds Vol. 2 No. 29 has been posted over at Anxiety, Addiction, and Depression Treatments. As always, there’s lots of good stuff over there for your reading pleasure. And don’t forget that tomorrow there’s a new Tangled Bank–and the day after that a brand spanking-new Skeptics’ Circle to look forward to.

Cancer Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine

By Seed prodded, or there’s less to these studies than meets the eye

OK, I’ve been prodded enough! Yes, I’ve been aware of the study purporting to present good anecdotal case reports showing that there might be something to the hypothesis that megadoses of vitamin C can cure cancer where other therapies fail. I’ve also been aware of an in vitro study that suggested selective toxicity of vitamin […]


Speaking of foreign bodies in bodily orifices…

Recently, I mentioned a case of fishing line inserted in a patient’s urethra that had to be removed by a urologist. Now I’ve become aware of an even odder case, of a woman who managed to hide a loaded pistol in her vagina. She managed to go through a pat-down: Move over, Bond girls. A […]


The Geiers try to patent chemical castration as an autism treatment

When it rains, it pours. Last week, we had the Shattuck paper; this week, I’m sucked right back into this topic, at least for today. A few weeks ago, I commented about a truly frightening direction that autism quackery was taking, with the father-son team of Mark and David Geier’s bizarre proposal that chemically castrating […]

Computers and social media

Lucky Manhattanites

Lucky bastards living in Manhattan. You’ll soon have a flagship Apple Store that will be open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Bastards. Is it just me, though, or does the store thus far bear an uncanny resemblance to a Borg ship?