Regular readers might have noticed that my output lately hasn’t been as…prolific…as in the past. You’d think that, with my spending more time at home than I have in a long time due to the restrictions put in place in Michigan to slow the spread of COVID-19 that I’d be a blogging fiend, even more so than usual, but oddly enough I’ve been less productive in that area than in the past. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because all the topics that catch my eye are COVID-19-related and just too damned depressing. Fun topics, silly types of pseudoscience, just don’t seem worth spending much effort on. On the other hand, maybe it would help my mood and productivity to do a post every now and then on something like Bach flower remedies. This is not that day, however, because I just got the opportunity to rectify an oversight that dates back to the very beginning of this blog, my never having discussed in depth an antivaxxer named Judy Mikovits.
This opportunity comes in the form of a “trailer” to a “full length documentary” called Plandemic, which is being previewed by the release of a “series of vignettes,” the first of which was released yesterday. (26 minutes is a hell of a vignette! How long is the completed documentary? Ten hours?) From the name, you can tell that this is going to be a conspiracyfest of a “documentary,” arguing that the current COVID-19 pandemic was somehow planned. We’ll get to that shortly. First, here’s where the oversight rectification comes in. This first segment is about Judy Mikovits, someone I should have written about years and years ago, but somehow have never discussed on this blog. When you hear her story, you’ll see why I was shocked to realize that Mikovits has only been briefly mentioned a couple of times on this blog. Now, as is the case with a lot of cranks and antivaxxers, Mikovits is grifting on the COVID-19 conspiracy bandwagon.
Here’s the trailer, which includes the video.
The blurb for this movie is just plain bonkers:
Humanity is imprisoned by a killer pandemic. People are being arrested for surfing in the ocean and meditating in nature. Nations are collapsing. Hungry citizens are rioting for food. The media has generated so much confusion and fear that people are begging for salvation in a syringe. Billionaire patent owners are pushing for globally mandated vaccines. Anyone who refuses to be injected with experimental poisons will be prohibited from travel, education and work. No, this is not a synopsis for a new horror movie. This is our current reality.
No, people are being arrested for overcrowding and refusing to social distance sufficiently. As yet, I haven’t seen any nations collapsing due to COVID-19, although it’s certainly possible that this could happen if an unstable nation is sufficiently stressed. As for the “billionaire patent owners,” one wonders to whom the filmmaker is referring, one does. (OK, you likely know that it’s Bill Gates, whose advocacy for public health and vaccines have made him one of the most reviled people in existence to the tinfoil hat conspiracy crowd, particularly the antivaccine contingent. Basically, to them, he’s a sweater-wearing Darth Vader, Lord Sauron, and Voldemort all rolled up into one, except that he’s working behind the scenes like Frank Underwood in the first couple of seasons of House of Cards before he became President to enslave us all with vaccines and pharmaceuticals.)
The movie boldly paddles up the river of pseudoscience and deeper into tinfoil hat conspiracy territory:
In the early 1900s, America’s first Billionaire, John D. Rockefeller bought a German pharmaceutical company that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. Rockefeller wanted to eliminate the competitors of Western medicine, so he submitted a report to Congress declaring that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities were unscientific quackery. Rockefeller called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only his organization be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US. And so began the practice of immune suppressive, synthetic and toxic drugs. Once people had become dependent on this new system and the addictive drugs it provided, the system switched to a paid program, creating lifelong customers for the Rockefellers. Currently, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. Rockefeller’s secret weapon to success was the strategy known as, “problem-reaction-solution.” Create a problem, escalate fear, then offer a pre-planned solution. Sound familiar?
Flash forward to 2020…
They named it COVID19. Our leaders of world health predicted millions would die. The National Guard was deployed. Makeshift hospitals were erected to care for a massive overflow of patients. Mass graves were dug. Terrifying news reports had people everywhere seeking shelter to avoid contact. The plan was unfolding with diabolical precision, but the masters of the Pandemic underestimated one thing… the people. Medical professionals and every-day citizens are sharing critical information online. The overlords of big tech have ordered all dissenting voices to be silenced and banned, but they are too late. The slumbering masses are awake and aware that something is not right. Quarantine has provided the missing element: time. Suddenly, our overworked citizenry has ample time to research and investigate for themselves. Once you see, you can’t unsee.
I’ll give the filmmaker credit for…imagination…for going all the way back to John D. Rockefeller as the origin of the evil plot that has now culminated a century later in the COVID-19 pandemic. At this point, as an aside, I can’t resist mentioning that medical error is not the third leading cause of death. Not even close. That’s a myth that just won’t die. (It’s my duty to point that out any time someone parrots that idiocy.)
I do love that last paragraph, though. It is exactly why people are prone to conspiracy theories. A good conspiracy theory turns the believer into a hero, a warrior with secret knowledge that none of the other ignorant “sheeple” know, against powerful forces arrayed against him. A good conspiracy theory almost always has a part at the end in which the “people” (in this case, the people believing the conspiracy theory) “wake up” and see what is being “suppressed” by the powerful forces seeking to keep them ignorant. Conspiracy theories like this both make the believer feel special and brave for having secret knowledge and fighting to make it public, but also provide an explanation for bad things happening in the world. Yes, the conspiracy theory in Plandemic is utterly ridiculous to those of us who know science, medicine, and history, but most people don’t know the relevant science, medicine, and history. To them, it sounds plausible.
Judy Mikovits as portrayed by Mikki Willis
We now get to Judy Mikovits, who is portrayed in the clip above as just the sort of brave maverick scientist and truth teller that every good conspiracy theory needs, a woman with hidden knowledge who’s fighting dark powerful forces seeking to “silence her.” The sad thing is, at one time she was a decent scientist, unlike some other legitimate scientists turned antivaccine cranks, like Christopher Shaw, Christopher Exley, Jeffrey Lyons-Weiler, and Andrew Wakefield, who were almost certainly never very good scientists even before they turned into cranks.
Before I delve into the clip and Judy Mikovits’ story, I had to look into the filmmaker. Oddly enough, I didn’t see his name, Mikki Willis, on the Plandemic website, although a bunch of YouTube videos showed up at the end of the trailer featuring him. A quick Google search revealed that Willis is a filmmaker who founded Elevate, a film company that supposedly does “transformative media.” (Conspiracy theory movies are transformative, albeit not in a good way, I guess. Just look at VAXXED. I’m getting a distinctly Del Bigtree vibe.) Willis is also grandiose:
September 11th, 2001 marked a turning point in Mikki Willis’ life and career. Having been inside the twin towers just hours before they fell, he helped to organize a group of civilians who remained at Ground Zero for 3 days to aid in the search and rescue efforts. It was atop the rubble of the World Trade Center that the vision for the Elevate was born.
Hmmm. I wonder if this is where Willis’ penchant for conspiracy theories was born. A perusal of his filmography on IMDb reveals a definite penchant for woo, though, with a film called The Rub of Attraction about The Secret, Ten Seconds to Midnight (which appears to be about the end of the world in 2012 foretold by the Mayan calendar), and The Shadow Effect, featuring Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, James Van Praugh, and Mark Victor Hansen.
Back to the trailer.
Right from the very beginning, Mikovits is introduced as a great scientist (“one of the most accomplished scientists of her generation”) who was demonized and exiled from the world of science by big pharma and the dogmatic gatekeepers of science after having reported something that “they” didn’t want you to know about. (A “blockbuster article in the journal Science” that supposedly found that the “common use of animal and fetal tissue were unleashing devastating plagues of chronic diseases.” I’ll get into the details a bit in a moment.) It’s a nauseatingly familiar exaggerated narrative, complete with ominous music and an oh-so-serious voiceover, as Mikovits is shown walking and talking with Willis. The voiceover intones, “For exposing their deadly secrets, the minions of big pharma waged war on Dr. Mikovits, destroying her name, career, and personal life.” (Seriously, that was so over-the-top that I actually laughed when I heard it, and I was only less than a minute into the video.)
The voiceover continues:
Now, as the fate of nations hangs in the balance, Dr. Mikovits is naming names and in the plague of corruption that places all human life in danger.
The reality is, as you will see, quite different.
Dr. Judy Mikovits’ pre-conspiracy career
First, let’s look at Dr. Mikovits’ pre-crank scientific career. Let’s just say that her background has been…embellished. Wikipedia notes that in her early career, after having been awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry with a specialization in biology at the University of Virginia in 1980, Mikovits went to the National Cancer Institute in 1980, where she worked as a researcher in the laboratory of Francis “Frank” Ruscetti, developing purification methods for interferon-alpha. (For those of you who disingenuously object to the use of Wikipedia for anything, note that this is only a starting point, and I examined many of the primary sources linked to in the article and used them whenever possible.)
Mikovits also briefly worked at Upjohn Pharmaceuticals in Kalamazoo, MI to develop production methods to ensure biological materials manufactured using human blood products were free of contamination from HIV-1. Given that she only had a Bachelor degree, that tells me she worked as a technician in Dr. Ruscetti’s laboratory. She did, however, ultimately get a PhD in a joint program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at George Washington University in 1992, with her PhD thesis being entitled Negative Regulation of HIV Expression in Monocytes. I note that Mikovits and her admirers often claim that her doctoral thesis “changed the treatment of HIV-AIDS” but have struggled to find evidence that this was so or that her thesis was such a “game changer.” Quite simply, she worked in Dr. Ruscetti’s laboratory, did some good work, but was never a “brilliant” scientist, much less “”one of the most accomplished scientists of her generation.” She has 34 publications in PubMed, for which she’s first author only on eight and corresponding author on only four, only one of them from her time at the NIH.
This archived entry in the Wayback Machine from 1998 describes her thusly:
Dr. Mikovits obtained her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University. Her doctoral research focused on HIV-1 latency under the direction of Francis Ruscetti. Dr. Mikovits performed postdoctoral work on the molecular genetics of HTLV-1 under David Derse at the National Cancer Institute-FCRDC.
The mechanisms by which human retroviruses alter the function of the immune system and other host responses resulting in pathogenesis are not well understood. The current focus of our studies is to define viral and cellular factors involved in pathogenesis. Specifically, we have examined viral and cellular factors involved in regulating HIV infectivity and expression, cell death and mechanisms of immune dysfunction. In this regard, we and others have shown that HIV-1 expression in monocytes and helper T lymphocytes can be silenced and that this latency can be overcome by both immune activation and hypomethylation. Studies of SIV and HIV infection in the lymph nodes indicate that the capacity of the host to control viral load is predictive of disease progression. The importance of latent reservoirs is underscored by recent studies showing patients in which plasma virus is reduced to undetectable levels following highly active triple drug antiretroviral therapy, however soon after cessation of therapy high viral titers are again detected, suggesting long lived reservoirs of latent virus exist. Therefore, we have focused our efforts on examining infectivity of HIV-1 and HTLV-1 and defining cytokines and other cellular mechanisms involved in maintaining a balance between human retroviral expression and latency.
Those of you who know what all that means can see that she did what looks like some good work. Those of you who know how science works will also know that that, as of 1998, Mikovits had never become independent. She was not a principal investigator. she was doing work in a principal investigator’s lab supervised by that PI. As far as I can tell, she was never an independent researcher at the NIH. In fact, she left in 2001 to get married and take a job at a biotech startup, EpiGenX Pharmaceuticals, working on developing anticancer drugs.
The descent into conspiracy mongering begins
There’s a New York Times article from 2009 that picks up the story of Judy Mikovits by describing the findings that Mikovits published. At the time, she was the research director for the Whittemore-Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease, a nonprofit in Reno, NV founded recently by the parents of a young woman who has the syndrome, Andrea Whittemore-Goad, in 2006. It’s interesting to note how Mikovits was recruited by Harvey and Annette Whittemore to become the director of their institute:
She and her husband had the means, the knowledge and the connections. They are real estate developers and part owners of a gas company and an energy drink, and they hold interests in other businesses. Mr. Whittemore is also a lawyer and a lobbyist. Starting in the fall of 2004, they put $5 million of their own money into setting up an institute at the University of Nevada’s medical school. They also persuaded the governor and State Legislature to commit $10 million for a new building that would house the institute’s researchers and a clinic, as well as scientists from the university and the Nevada Cancer Institute. The research began in 2006, and a clinic for patients is scheduled to open in about a year.
Rather than just doling out money to far-flung researchers, the Whittemores wanted to employ their own scientists who would be devoted full time to the cause. In the spring of 2006, they met Dr. Judy A. Mikovits, a virus expert who had spent 22 years working at the National Cancer Institute. She had left the institute in 2001 to get married and move to California, where she went to work for a drug development company that failed. She was tending bar at a yacht club when a patron said her constant talk about viruses reminded him of someone he knew in Nevada. That person was a friend of Annette Whittemore’s. Dr. Mikovits soon found herself at a conference on chronic fatigue syndrome.
I find it rather…interesting…that the Whittemores recruited a scientist who hadn’t worked in the field for five years and who was working on cancer therapies at a small drug development firm and tending bar at the time to direct an institute into which they were pouring millions of dollars. This is particularly true to me given that chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition whose cause has long eluded scientists to the point where some question whether it’s a real diagnosis for a single syndrome. To be successful in cracking a problem whose answer has eluded scientists for decades requires an excellent scientist. Picking someone like Mikovits hardly seemed like a good recipe for success! Of course, that is the problem with private institutes run by wealthy philanthropists. If the philanthropists are fixated on one idea, they’ll hire people and fund research looking for evidence to support that idea. Mikovits had one tool, a hammer (in this case, her study of viruses for two decades), and so every problem (in this case chronic fatigue syndrome) was a nail. Reading between the lines, I get the feeling that the Whittemores were taken with the idea that CFS was caused by a virus, leading to the hiring of Mikovits.
In any event, after meeting Dr. Daniel L. Peterson, who described how some of his chronic fatigue syndrome patients developed a rare form of lymphoma, an observation that led Mikovits to conclude that it must be a retrovirus causing CFS. The result:
Dr. Mikovits began connecting the dots almost immediately. She knew that some patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, and some men with prostate cancer, had a certain enzyme deficiency. And she also knew that tissue samples from men with prostate cancer had been found to harbor a retrovirus called XMRV, for xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus. She began working part time with the institute, and by the fall of 2006, the Whittemores had hired her as research director. One of her first projects was to look for XMRV in blood samples from people with chronic fatigue syndrome and from healthy control subjects.
Many of the samples from syndrome patients 68 of 101, or 67 percent were infected, she and her colleagues reported in Science. Only 3.7 percent of the healthy controls carried the virus. XMRV, the scientists suggested, may cause or at least contribute to chronic fatigue syndrome. Further tests found the virus in 90 of the 101, Dr. Mikovits said.
XMRV is a mouse retrovirus, but “xenotropic” is applied because it can replicate in the cells of other animals. A spoiler alert right here is in order. Mikovits’ paper was ultimately retracted two years later, but at the time it was published in Science and breathlessly reported in articles in the mainstream media like the NYT article I’ve been quoting from and this other article.
How did the retraction occur? First, there were a number of criticisms of Mikovits’ methods, which were poorly described, and three independent studies trying to replicate her results failed to find evidence of XMRV in either healthy controls or CFS patients. A nine-center study was begun to try to confirm the preliminary results of Mikovits’ study. Coded replicate samples of blood from 15 subjects previously reported to be XMRV–positive (14 with CFS) and from 15 healthy donors previously determined to be negative for the viruses were distributed in a blinded fashion to nine laboratories, which performed assays designed to detect XMRV nucleic acid, virus replication, and antibody. The results were disappointing. Only two labs reported evidence of the virus, but replicate sample results disagreed and there was no difference in detection between CFS subjects and negative controls without CFS. Science published and editorial expression of concern, noting:
Since then, at least 10 studies conducted by other investigators and published elsewhere have reported a failure to detect XMRV in independent populations of CFS patients. In this issue, we are publishing two Reports that strongly support the growing view that the association between XMRV and CFS described by Lombardi et al. likely reflects contamination of laboratories and research reagents with the virus. In one Report, “Recombinant origin of the retrovirus XMRV” (2), T. Paprotka et al. trace the ancestry of XMRV and provide evidence that the virus originated when two mouse leukemia viruses underwent recombination during experimental passage of a human prostate tumor xenograft in mice in the 1990s. A combination of sequencing, phylogenetic, and probability analyses lead Paprotka et al. to conclude that laboratory contamination with XMRV produced by a cell line (22Rv1) derived from these early xenograft experiments is the most likely explanation for detection of the virus in patient samples. In the other Report, “No evidence of murine-like gammaretroviruses in CFS patients previously identified as XMRV-infected” (3), K. Knox et al. examined blood samples from 61 CFS patients from the same medical practice that had provided patient samples to Lombardi et al. Comprehensive assays by Knox et al. for viral nucleic acids, infectious virus, and virus-specific antibodies revealed no evidence of XMRV in any of the samples.
In other words, XMRV is almost certainly the result of a recombination event in the 1990s in different prostate cancer cell lines grown in immunodeficient mice. Mikovits almost certainly based her conclusion on her detection of a laboratory contaminant.
There’s more, though. Here’s an excerpt from the retraction notice:
In addition, there is evidence of poor quality control in a number of specific experiments in the Report. Figure 1, table S1, and fig. S2 have been retracted by the authors (3). In response to concerns expressed about Fig. 2C [summarized in (4)], the authors acknowledged to Science that they omitted important information from the legend of this figure panel. Specifically, they failed to indicate that the CFS patient–derived peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) shown in Fig. 2C had been treated with azacytidine as well as phytohemagglutinin and interleukin-2. This was in contrast to the CFS samples shown in Figs. 2A and 2B, which had not been treated with azacytidine.
Why is this important? Azacytidine is a chemical that activates retroviruses, which means that the CFS-derived cells were treated with a chemical to bring out their retroviruses while the control cells were not. That’s scientific fraud, as far as I’m concerned.
That’s the end of the story from a scientific standpoint, but only the beginning of the story of the conspiracy theory. I also note that the antivaccine movement jumped on the XMRV story when antivax propagandist (at the time) David Kirby linked XMRV to autism in an evidence-free speculative article published shortly after Mikovits’ paper in 2009, Is Autism Associated with a Viral Infection? (now deleted but preserved, thanks to the almighty Wayback Machine). In it, Mikovits speculated:
“On that note, if I might speculate a little bit,” she said, “This might even explain why vaccines would lead to autism in some children, because these viruses live and divide and grow in lymphocytes — the immune response cells, the B and the T cells. So when you give a vaccine, you send your B and T cells in your immune system into overdrive. That’s its job. Well, if you are harboring one virus, and you replicate it a whole bunch, you’ve now broken the balance between the immune response and the virus. So you have had the underlying virus, and then amplified it with that vaccine, and then set off the disease, such that your immune system could no longer control other infections, and created an immune deficiency.”
So there you have it – a possible explanation of regressive autism in a significant number of cases associated with immune system deregulation triggered by vaccination.
So Mikovits was antivaccine even back then.
A conspiracy theory is born
Early on in her interview for Plandemic, Mikovits describes being arrested and portrays it as a false arrest with no warrant and no search warrant for her house (there were warrants), carried out for no reason other than to silence her. Naturally, Willis leads with that part of the story, and, given the background I’ve related, you’re probably asking: What the heck is that all about? Unsurprisingly, after Mikovits’ Science paper was retracted, she was fired, although, oddly enough, for matter unrelated to her retracted paper. Then this happened:
A little more than 1 month after firing Mikovits, the Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease (WPI) on 4 November filed suit against its former research director. According to WPI, after Mikovits was terminated on 29 September, she wrongfully removed laboratory notebooks and kept other proprietary information on her laptop and in flash drives and in a personal e-mail account. WPI, a nonprofit organization that’s based on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno, also won a temporary restraining order that forbids Mikovits from “destroying, deleting, or altering” any of the related files or data.
Mikovits attorney, Lois Hart, said her client cannot speak to the media about the case, but she strongly denies any wrongdoing. In an e-mail to ScienceInsider, Hart stressed that “Dr. Mikovits’ integrity goes to the bone.”
Basically, the Whittemore-Peterson Institute reported that a number of Mikovits’ lab notebooks were found to be missing after she had been terminated, pointing out that she had the only key to the locked desk in which they were stored. (Her contract stipulated that lab notebooks and data had to remain with the institute if she ever left her job, a near-universal clause in such employment contracts with corporations and nonprofits doing research.) Mikovits’s attorney countered that several people had keys to her office and laboratory, although, conspicuously, I never saw any mention of anyone else having a key to the desk. A few days later, Mikovits was arrested for theft. Ultimately, criminal charges were dismissed. Complicating matter was the fact that the judge initially overseeing the civil case had received campaign donations from WPI co-founder Harvey Whittemore, who himself has been criminally charged with making illegal campaign contributions to a federal official.
Conveniently, Willis and Mikovits leave out some key information. For instance, a research assistant named Max Pfost, who was also rooming in Mikovits’ home, provided a sworn affidavit detailing his complicity in stealing the notebooks and delivering them to Dr. Mikovits. This affidavit was the basis for the warrants to search her home and arrest her. It’s worth reading in full. Basically, he stated that Mikovits instructed him to retrieve the notebooks and drives and that he did. Another researcher named Amanda McKenzie also provided a sworn affidavit in which she attests that Mikovits asked her to remove laboratory samples and other materials and deliver them to one of her co-authors but that she declined.
Also, contrary to Mikovits’ claim in Plandemic that she was arrested without warrant, jailed without charges, there were warrants issued by the University of Nevada at Reno Police Department on November 17, 2011. Dr. Mikovits was arrested at her home on November 18, 2011 and charged with two felonies: (1) possession of stolen property and (2) unlawful taking of computer data, equipment, supplies, or other computer related property. She was held without bail for 5 days while awaiting arraignment and a hearing on extradition to Nevada on felony charges after the laboratory notebooks, computer, and other items belonging to WPI were recovered from her home following the search. Criminal charges were later dismissed without prejudice pending the outcome of the civil trial against Dr. Mikovits for losses related to the stolen notebooks.
That’s a very different story than the one told in Plandemic! Even so, thus was born a conspiracy theory, one that Mikovits has been milking for all it’s worth since at least 2011. Now, with the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing, Mikovits has found a new (and lucrative) road to prominence, after having posted a video three weeks ago saying that we don’t need a coronavirus vaccine, after having gotten involved in the “Fire Fauci campaign” after claiming that Dr. Fauci had sabotaged her XMRV research:
In the same video, Mikovits rejected the notion of wearing a mask, since, she claimed, the coronavirus is actually secretly caused by a bad strain of flu shot that was circulating between 2013 and 2015. Masks will help “activate” the virus and reinfect a mask-wearer over and over, she claimed.
“Wearing a mask will kill more people than—this virus is not coughed through the air from healthy people, who are almost certainly immune, as they’ve almost certainly been infected over the last four or five years,” Mikovits said.
(NOTE ADDED 5/8/2020: Ironically, in a video full of COVID-19 misinformation, it was the ridiculous claim that wearing a mask will kill more people than the virus that got the Plandemic video yanked from YouTube and Facebook.)
Amusingly, that bit about the flu vaccine was so nonsensical that even David Kirby, an antivaccine propagandist whose mention is a real blast from the past on this blog, saw through it and posted this on Facebook:
With this background, Mikovits’ claims in the Plandemic video start to make more sense as a persecution complex and misinformation based on conspiracy theories. Also, as she’s selling her new book, Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science, and this video is a perfect advertisement for it. You can tell just how far into tinfoil hat territory this book must plunge by the fact that she co-wrote it with Kent Heckenlively, a man known for Walter Mitty-like fantasies of heroic action against evil purveyors of vaccines, and that the book’s foreword was written by antivaccine leader Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who has been promoting the book and her conspiracy theory about Anthony Fauci on his Children’s Health Defense website.
She fits right in, too. After Willis notes that “apparently their attempt to silence you has failed” and asks how she can have the “confidence” to “name names” and “call out these dark forces” without fearing for her life, her response tells me how far down the rabbit hole she’s gone:
Because if we don’t stop this now, we can not only forget our republic and our freedom, but we can forget humanity because we’ll be killed by this agenda.
I laughed out loud again.
At this point, Mikovits weaves a conspiracy theory in which Dr. Fauci ordered a coverup of her results, claiming that “everyone was paid off” with “millions of dollars of funding” from Anthony Fauci through the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID). Her story is that Dr. Fauci called Dr. Ruscetti’s laboratory when he was out of the country and demanded that she give him a copy of the paper Dr. Ruscetti had just submitted documenting the detection of HIV in the saliva and blood of AIDS patients from Luc Montagnier’s group in France. It was a confirmatory study. She then claimed that Fauci screamed at her to give him the paper. Why would Fauci do that? She claims that Fauci had been working with Robert Gallo and that he held up the publication of Ruscetti’s paper for several months to allow Robert Gallo to publish his own paper.
As you might imagine, the story sounds very fishy. First of all, there were telephones back then. Making a trans-Atlantic phone call was a possibility! Yes, international calls were expensive in the 1980s, but people made them, especially for the government and corporations. There’s no reason why Fauci couldn’t have called Ruscetti, particularly given Mikovits claim that it was several weeks before he came back from overseas, to have Dr. Fauci browbeat him into giving it to him. There was even mail. So, why did Fauci supposedly do this, colluding with Robert Gallo and Robert Redfield, who’s now the Director of the CDC? Money and patents, of course! And, of course, Mikovits brings in Bill Gates, with his advocacy of vaccines, because antivax grifters gonna grift.
Mikovits’ story doesn’t make sense from a timeline perspective, either. While it is true that Robert Gallo falsely took credit for discovering the AIDS virus in 1984, when the virus had actually been discovered at the Pasteur Institute in 1983, and it was those samples Gallo had been testing. It’s also true that Gallo worked with Mikovits’ boss Dr. Ruscetti to make some major discoveries in the field of retroviruses in the 1980, the same year that Mikovits graduated from college and took a job at the National Cancer Institute in Frank Ruscetti’s lab.
As Zachariah Wiedeman asks about Mikovits’ story:
Are we to believe that somehow, fresh out of college, sometime between 1980 and 1983 she [Mikovits] was at the forefront of groundbreaking work to isolate and confirm HIV, and that she actually discovered it, then Gallo stole the credit from her, but he also simultaneously stole the credit from the Pasteur Institute where he obtained his sample, that he didn’t actually have, because Mikovits had it. What, the what??
Also, at the time, Dr. Fauci was Chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation at the National Institute of Health. (He wasn’t appointed director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease until 1984.) Just from Dr. Fauci’s role at the NIH during the time period, Mikovits’ story makes no sense. It defies plausibility that Dr. Fauci would even ask a laboratory technician, fresh out of college, for her boss’ unpublished manuscript, much less that he would browbeat her and yell at her when she “bravely” refused. It’s highly unlikely that Mikovits even had access to the manuscript!
Towards the middle of the video, Willis asks Mikovits if she’s antivaccine, which, of course, she denies, because of course she does. (Nearly all antivaxxers deny that they’re antivax.) After characterizing vaccines as an “immune therapy,” she then goes on to buying into the conspiracy that SARS-CoV-2 (the coronavirus that causes COVID-19) was “manipulated and studied” in a laboratory and then escaped. She then makes the utterly nonsensical claim that if SARS-CoV-2 had evolved naturally it would have taken 800 years. (Seriously, she’s a virologist?) Her difference is that she claims that the virus must have been released somehow between Fort Detrick and the Wuhan laboratory. She even claimed that in 1999 she worked at Fort Detrick in order to “teach Ebola how to infect human cells,” further claiming that Ebola couldn’t infect human cells until it had been “taught” how to do it. Apparently Ebola came from a lab too. (Never mind that Ebola was first reported in humans in 1976.)
Indeed, the amount of nonsense, misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy mongering in Mikovits’ response to questions is truly epic. She likens COVID-19 infection to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is even more nonsensical. She agrees with the conspiracy theory that doctors are being pushed to misclassify deaths due to other causes as due to COVID-19. Willis even included a clip of Dr. Dan Erickson making that claim. You might recall that he and Dr. Artin Massihi made a misinformation-laden video claiming that COVID-19 prevalence was so much higher than estimated and using that estimate to claim that COVID-19 is actually five times less lethal than seasonal flu, a claim that shows up later in Plandemic as well. I emphasize that, in reality, the case and death count from COVID-19 is grossly underestimated. Why the pressure? Because government reimbursement is higher for a diagnosis of COVID-19, apparently.
Basically, all the common conspiracy theories about COVID-19 make an appearance, including the claim that it was the flu vaccine that got it started, but with a spin. Mikovits claims that Italy was hit so hard because the virus for the flu vaccine it used was grown in dog cells and dog cells have a lot of coronavirus, the claim that David Kirby mocked in the Facebook post I quoted above. She also cites the bogus claim that the flu vaccine increases your chance of getting COVID-19 by 36%. It doesn’t. Unsurprisingly, hydroxychloroquine makes an appearance, too, because of course it does. Like so many hydroxychloroquine conspiracy theorists do, Willis and Mikovits portray the drug as a powerful treatment for COVID-19 that “they” don’t want you to know about, even though hydroxychloroquine probably doesn’t work. Mikovits is all-in with conspiracy theories about it, though.
Mark and Chris Hoofnagle coined a term “crank magnetism,” in which a person who believes in one form of pseudoscience or one conspiracy theory will tend to believe in multiple pseudoscientific beliefs and conspiracy theories. When, late in the video, Mikovits asks why we’re closing beaches because there are “healing microbes in the sand,” I had to stop. There’s just so much idiocy I can tolerate. I’ll give Mikovits credit, though. She some how instinctively knew just how to make her story go viral by latching on to the right wing campaign to smear Dr. Fauci. As a result, her book is currently #1 on Amazon.
Sadly, as Judy Mikovits demonstrates, the COVID-19 pandemic is drawing cranks and conspiracy theorists like it moths to a light. Chief among them are antivax grifters like Judy Mikovits. She’s so wrong she’s not even wrong, and she’s gone full conspiracy theorist, taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to be reborn as a COVID-19 crank, grifting with her book and a “doctor education” company. Sadly, she’s not alone.
NOTE: This post was updated and revised on May 8, 2020. Also, a followup post discussing what Mikki Willis left out of Plandemic about Judy Mikovits’ even wilder conspiracy theories is here, for your edification.
1,072 replies on “Judy Mikovits in Plandemic: An antivax conspiracy theorist becomes a COVID-19 grifter”
You’re full of shit!
One notes that you haven’t pointed out a single error in fact, science, or logic in my post.?
One must note that you are obviously highly biased having worked in Big Pharma funded facilities for most of your medical career. Additionally, as noted in your Wikipedia bio, you are and have been an “outspoken skeptic, and a critic of alternative medicine and the anti-vaccination movement.”
Additionally, you are the managing editor of the website “Science-Based Medicine” which also is a “source of information about medical controversies and alternative medicine.” whose latest article attempts to make the case that the MMR vaccine with toxic adjuvants like aluminum and mediums like diploid human tissue (aborted baby parts medium used to culture the active virus used in the vaccine).
Basically, you are an anti-alternative medical professor who has devoted his career to carrying water for the pharmaceutical and modern medical complex which siphons off over $3 Trillion annually in the U.S. alone from the American public with pretty pathetic results when all is said and done. (A war on cancer that is still going with the primitive big three offerings – carcinogenic chemotherapy (so toxic a spill requires a hazmat suit to clean up), carcinogenic radiation therapy and the surgical removal of localized cancer (a symptom-based approach which often results in the spread because the cause has not been addressed, only the symptom).
Additionally, your criticisms are simply repeats of the industry attacks on Dr. Mikovits after she refused to back off of her finding that the XMRV retrovirus was associated with ME/CFS more commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome through pulverized mouse brains used to cultivate vaccines such as the mercury-preserved (thimerosal)polio vaccine where CFS first arose in the 1930’s at LA County General Hospital.
Of course, the industry is going to drum up attacks on Dr. Mikovits when she brings up any potentially critical information about vaccines because they potentially threaten a cash cow that feeds them and indirectly yourself as well.
After all, it took you a very short time to come out with an article attacking Dr. Mikovits, an expected response from someone who attacks any opinion, alternative, or information contrary to the approved medical/pharmaceutical complex approved narrative.
People are seeing through the modern medical mirage in increasing numbers and obviously biased blogs like yours are helping to further that awareness. Thank you for your kind contributions. Keep up the good work.
Here is an error. at least according to John Hopkins.
I addressed that very study in explicit detail in one of the links I referenced in saying that claim is bullshit.?
what is your opinion about this?
Utterly unhinged. That’s my impression.
“to make the case that the MMR vaccine with toxic adjuvants like aluminum”
Repeated for greater hilarity. “Terry” thinks that the MMR vaccine contains adjuvants. I swear, aggressive stupidity serves as a virtue signal in antivax circles.
Kyle: “John Hopkins.”
Seriously? You cannot even get the name of that university right.
Pro-tip for the newbies on this site: if you decide you must tell Orac about something, first go to the of the page and hit the “Search and Explore” link on the left side of your screen. Then put in the appropriate term in the “Search” box.
Actually click on the results and read. Do not bother us with old boring arguments we have heard over and over and over again. Thank you.
Orac has been active for two decades, so he and his minions have seen it all. Most of you are bringing up old and tired claims that have been addressed multiple times.
Could you try to be original? So, really, try to be relevant. Bring us actual evidence by qualified reputable researchers. Until then, you are just humor points.
Other than the fact that she literally says in the documentary that she is not anti-vaccine… Keep sucking that big pharma dick.
I lived in the same town as Ft Detrick many years ago and even worked there as a janitor for a summer (at NIH). There were always conspiracy theories about it. My favorite was that they had grown a six foot chicken!
So what you’re saying is the blinking box is a real MD who treats patients so that they live years, maybe decades longer than they would otherwise, and you’re some troll on the internet.
Yeah, we can agree on that.
“I CAn’T TelL You How YOuR wROng BUt YOur WronG!
“Grifters gonna grift” 😉
Brilliant takedown, Orac. Thank you so much.
actually you glossed over a lot of things. Im not a fan of this lady but there are good points in the film and certainly some things that should be questioned too.. Follow the money….you don’t seem to think $$ has anything to do with motives in science. shame on you….very incomplete review…
And yet you don’t bother to mention one thing I “glossed over.”?
Are you aware that Mercury, which is in many vaccines (fact), is the second most toxic substance on the periodic table(fact)?
Hey Gorski,
You probably read and study the Babylonian Talmud don’t you?
A very racist and supremist book in my assesment, that explicitly instructs Jews to lie to non-Jews.
Of course, no one would be able to prove that you don’t practice Talmudic Judaism because of the Talmud’s instructions.
Just in case you do believe in it and in the oral Law, I suggest you read
Sefer Yehoshua (the book of Joshua) chapter 8 verse 35:
“There was not a word of all that Moses commanded, which Joshua read not before all the congregation of Israel, with the women, and the little ones, and the strangers that were conversant among them.”
Please also send this information to your Jewish buddy (Dr. Redfield) at the CDC as he might also find it usefull.
Gorski Name Meaning
Polish (Górski) and Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): habitational name for someone from any of numerous places called Góra, Górka, or Górki, from góra ‘mountain’, ‘hill’.
Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press
Similar surnames: Borski, Gorecki, Gurski, Zagorski, Wolski, Molski, Gorka, Gorsky
Oh, goody. The antisemites have come out.
Oh, and I was raised Roman Catholic.?
Neither of your facts are actually true, Mike.
Nice try though.
@ FuckYourFeelings
“Keep sucking that big pharma dick.”
I think that’s a moment for a bit of french poetry.
Long past are the time where you could take a naïve young girl and make her sing a song about oral sex whose metaphor the young singer does not fully grasp… One of my favourites.
I’ll keep stroking. Do not worry…
I have a legitimate question: I am hearing from nurses that patients ARE being labeled as COVID even without a positive COVID test or even a check of the lungs/other symptoms. I understand that doesn’t mean they’re NOT a COVID patient, but it seems concerning none-the-less, the possibility that the numbers may not be reflecting reality, or worse, that there could be a financial motive for over-representing the case total. Can you share why you believe the case/death toll is underreported & why hospitals don’t stand to benefit financially from overdiagnosing COVID, or if you’ve already written this, point me in the direction of that article? I’m sincerely asking, just trying to educate myself.
The way the numbers are not reflecting reality is that COVID-19 is grossly underdiagnosed because not everyone with symptoms is tested and there are a lot of people out there dying of COVID-19-like illness who are never tested and never given a diagnosis of COVID-19. The excess death rates in March are strong evidence that a lot of people are dying of COVID-19 who are never diagnosed with COVID-19. No, the problem is not misclassification of some patient deaths as COVID-19 when they died of something else. That probably happens, but the numbers are FAR dwarfed by the number of deaths from what was almost certainly COVID-19 even though the patients were never diagnosed with COVID-19. I wouldn’t be surprised if the true number of people who’ve died of COVID-19 is 50-100% higher than the official numbers.
You are such a boob. Seriously. How on earth do you have time to legitimately care for your female patients – you spend every waking hour feeding your narcissistic personality disorder.
The error is you came into this sun next with an already subjective view. So let’s ask questions, Does Fauci have any patents as claim in this film?
So I got a flu shot in September 2019, I was fine the day of getting the vaccine not sick at all the very next day I woke up with sore throat, coughing, shortness of breath it was so bad I couldn’t walk a few feet with out stopping to catch my breathe, so I went to the doctor got tested for flu just to make sure I hadn’t contracted before my flu shot it was negative, tested for strep it was negative also! I ended up going to the doctor 3 times in 27 days because I was so sick! Nothing they gave me helped at all! I was doing albuterol treatments every four hours!!!!Its just weird how bad I got the day after my flu shot so I wonder now if there wasn’t something in that shot that made me so sick! I have gotten a flu shot every year with no complications but this year they gave me the self pay shot what ever that is because they were talking about which one to give me since I paid out of pocket until they seen if my insurance would cover it! My 3 children got a different one then me because they had insurance that paid for the flu shot so strange! I think its also strange they have different Flu Vaccines for different methods of payment!!!
Would love to see a rebuttal to Terry’s comment.
Half of what you’re laughing at is verifiable. You had me convinced until you started making fun of the details in the movie storyline. I’m too busy looking at reputable sources to point out all the errors, but there IS a German company called Bauer that developed chemicals for World War II concentration camps. I thought everyone knew that -that’s not conspiracy theorist but you act like it is. Rockefeller is heavily involved in the morphing of medical schools starting in the early 1900s. A lot of what you are laughing out is verifiable, so you’re losing your audience unless they’re a bunch of frat boy lunkheads. Harhar those crazy people that look a little further into things…
Yep, someone has been arrested from not social distancing. Error 1. You make a lot of assumptions in this piece. Error 2. I can start shredding through them if you like but these aren’t facts. This is an opinion piece that anyone else could of done and came to a different conclusion. Pot meet kettle.
Did you express concern about the price beforehand? Maybe you wound up with the trivalent rather than the quad.
Do you know more about HIV research than her? Do you know more about retroviruses and research than her?
Why is anyone that questions safety and efficacy of the constantly growing number of vaccines (over 70 now) is called “Rabid” antivaxxer? On one argument you claim that outsider philanthropics have no business getting involved, but what is Gates considered? The fact is the shield is starting to fade. As a surgeon, you should do your job as best you can. You think that you can puff your chest as a MD! And instantly have credibility, but you don’t. People don’t believe that anymore. You claim that a few of those researchers “weren’t very good anyway”. What research are you published in? You’re beloved experts were wrong. Study some Dr Zhengli and tell us what you deduce.
I guarantee that I know more about vaccines than she does, and I guarantee that I understand enough molecular biology to know the basic mistakes she made in her Science paper.?
How about “After characterizing vaccines as an “immune therapy,” she then goes on to buying into the conspiracy that SARS-CoV-2 (the coronavirus that causes COVID-19) was “manipulated and studied” in a laboratory and then escaped. ” Vaccines are considered a type of immunotherapy, and there is more and more evidence the virus was being manipulated in labs and spread from there, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Or “She agrees with the conspiracy theory that doctors are being pushed to misclassify deaths due to other causes as due to COVID-19.” I know doctors are being pressured to classify deaths as COVID-19, it also is not a “conspiracy theory.”
Yes, it is a conspiracy theory. If anything, deaths from COVID-19 have been grossly underestimated, perhaps by as much as one half.?
A friend begged me to watch this. I got as far as “800 years” but that made me laugh so hard I stopped watching. Who hears that and still thinks she’s legit? Apparently, my formerly sane friend.
One question that has always puzzled me. Why do provaxxers care so much about antivaxxers? If vaccines work than why are they so adamant that everyone get vaccinated?
G-d, you dingbats are lazy. Let’s see:
Assignee: No
Applicant: One of four, assignee HHS (9,193,790)
Inventor: Effectively four: (9,896,509, 9,441,041, 9,193,790) [one of four]; 7,368,114 [one of three]; 6,911,527 [one of four]; (6,548,055,6,190,656, 5,696,079) [one of three]. All belong to HHS/Department of Health.
So, the answer is twofold: (1) No, and (2) do your own fucking homework.
What counts as a Covid-19 death? She lied about the results of this project concerning respiratory virus interference among Dept. of Defence personnel. The conclusion was that the flu vaccine did not cause it. She said they determined it did. Just that would cause me not to believe anything else she says.
Indeed. I wrote about this last month… She lied about the results of this project concerning respiratory virus interference among Dept. of Defence personnel. The conclusion was that the flu vaccine did not cause it. She said they determined it did. Just that would cause me not to believe anything else she says.
You should be embarrassed for dredging up this bit of stupidity, Todd. It’s at the level of things at the back of the fridge that have turned into mycological experiments these days.
Todd: “If vaccines work than why are they so adamant that everyone get vaccinated?”
Do tell us how to protect babies under a year old from measles, mumps and chicken pox. How do you protect babies who are too young to get the vaccines
I ask as a mother who had to take are of a six month old with chicken pox a year before the varicella vaccine was available. That experience makes me think that full grown adults who thinks should suffer that pain are sadistic child haters.
Prove me wrong with PubMed indexed studies by reputable qualified researcher. No lawyers, computer scientists, econ professors, geologists, and journalists are allowed.
Terry, you say, “One must note that you are obviously highly biased having worked in Big Pharma funded facilities for most of your medical career.”
Mikovits did much “worse” than that. She literally worked for Big Pharma. Directly. As an employee. She worked at UpJohn Pharmaceuticals.
So you ought to discredit her on the basis of her Pharma bias. But you won’t because it’s not about Pharma associations producing biases in people like a virus infection, it’s about you taking sides and trying to discredit the side you don’t like.
Oh, the Johns Hopkins claim of modern medicine as the 3rd leading cause of death is now “bullshit” according to the highly cultured doctor reverting to guttersnipe terms.
I guess when Johns Hopkins puts out the statistics about COVID mortality that is not “bullshit”, However, when they own up to the fact that you ivory towered doctors are killing patients with your toxic mix of synthetic chemicals that cause massive amounts of side effects, easily validated by browsing through any 6″ or so thick PDR (Physicians Desk Reference), they are wrong.
Cherry picking are we? How convenient.
As far as the testing goes. That too is b.s. it seems.
The widespread diagnostic test for the virus in a patient, the PCR, is riddled with irreparable flaws. It spits out false-positives, because the test reacts to the presence of irrelevant germs that have nothing to do with a purported COVID.
Most importantly the test has never been vetted, in the real world, for its claimed ability to detect whether a patient is ill or is going to become ill.
According to the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel
“Positive results are indicative of active infection with 2019-nCoV but do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease.
Negative results do not preclude 2019-nCoV infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or other patient management decisions.”
Translation: A positive test doesn’t guarantee that the COVID virus is causing infection at all. Then again, maybe the COVID virus is not be in the patient’s body either.
From the World Health Organization (WHO): “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Laboratory testing for 2019-nCoV in humans”
“Several assays that detect the 2019-nCoV have been and are currently under development, both in-house and commercially. Some assays may detect only the novel virus [COVID] and some may also detect other strains (e.g. SARS-CoV) that are genetically similar.”
Translation: Some PCR tests register positive for types of coronavirus that have nothing to do with COVID—including plain old coronas that cause nothing more than a cold.
As far as the “assays that detect the 2019-nCOV that are currently under development. Yeah, just a few.
For a test that is supposed to be so definitive and accurate, there sure are a great many firms in development of testing for the diagnosis of COVID-19
Actually, 633 of them the diagnostic pipeline at the time of this post as a matter of fact.
If the testing on this is so definitive, why are 633 companies still developing testing for it?
Possibly because they still have not effectively isolated the virus and still don’t know what exactly it is that they are looking for.
Or could it be that it is extremely difficult to detect this SARS-CoV-2 virus because it is easily defeated by the immune system? (Note: SARS-CoV-2 virus. Hmmm…thought this was something so novel we have not seen it before? When then is it so similar to the SARS virus that it is called SARS-CoV-2 then? That would indicate that it is similar in nature to a virus we are well aware of so similar to a known virus that it is labeled as -2.
Gee, maybe not so novel after all huh? No more novel than any other mutated SARS virus which is quite common with RNA viruses like this SARS-CoV-2 virus btw. All RNA viruses mutate regularly which is why these virus vaccines are so ineffective, their target changes so quickly.
Or possibly that it is so immensely difficult to test an individual for a specific virus when the samples are always contaminated with all kinds of germs including bacteria, other viral strains and other DNA/RNA bearing tissues?
But what do the manufacturers say about the COVID diagnostic test? How about this gem from Creative Diagnostics, a popular test manufacturer:
This product is intended for the detection of 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The detection result of this product is only for clinical reference, and it should not be used as the only evidence for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
In other words: Don’t use the test result alone to diagnose infection or disease.
Pretty confident about their testing huh?
Perhaps that is why the CDC includes “probable cases” in their statistical counts:
What is a COVID-19 probable case?
A probable case or death is defined by
Meeting clinical criteria AND epidemiologic evidence with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID-19; or
Meeting presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence; or Meeting vital records criteria with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID-19.
Translation: You don’t even have to have “confirmatory laboratory testing performed” in order for the case to be considered a COVID-19 case.
I guess that could be helpful to the hospitals who have had their cash cows of elective surgery eliminated (80% of many hospitals incomes) and are losing money now.
They could just drop a medicare patient into the “probable COVID-19 category” and go from a standard Medicare admit of $4,600 to a COVID admit billable for $13,000 now. About a 3X billable increase.
And heck, if they can get them on a ventilator with a COVID diagnosis, the Medicare admit jumps to $39,000, over an 8-fold increase!
I guess its a conspiracy theory to imagine that hospitals losing money due to the contraction of their scheduled surgery income would begin to amazingly turn up more COVID cases and put some of these people with respiratory issues on ventilators as well.
Yeah…might not have anything to do with increasing revenues I guess since we know that ALL hospitals and doctors operate with full integrity and complete concern for ALL patients.
Uh, interested in a bridge in Brooklyn real cheap?
But hey, it’s all just b.s. right doc?
Obviously, you didn’t click on the links I included in which I explain in detail why that Johns Hopkins estimate of one third of deaths being due to medical error is bullshit.
As for the rest. Wow. Gish gallop much? So much misinformation…
Silly crank. Johns Hopkins did not claim that modern medicine is the third leading cause of death. A single Johns Hopkins faculty member named Marty Makary claimed that medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US based on truly innumerate cherry picking of studies. (He didn’t do a study on his own. He just misinterpreted other people’s studies and wrote what was essentially an op-ed about it.
It never ceases to amuse me how cranks conflate the publication that they like by a single faculty member of a university as having been done by the university. It’s a transparent ploy to make make it seem as though the conclusions of that faculty member carry the endorsement of his university. It’s an exaggerated appeal to authority.
There wouldn’t be any financial (grant) reason for you to write this blog, would there?
Aw, you are such a naive child. One of the biggest tools used by the anti-science crowd like Age of Autism is that they lie quite freely. Those who actually do science cannot. Because their results are reviewed and checked for accuracy.
Something you will never see on AoA.
If you had done just a bit more of digging, you would have been able to find Orac’s corrections of the claims by the anti-vaccine activist.
Like Jack Bauer? “Lunkheads,” Indeed
… and completely screw them up? Then again, I rather suspect the only thing you were looking into was your navel.
Best Mothers Day present ever was visiting this site & seeing the outcry against the vaccine narrative. As the mom to one child dead & another permanently disabled from vaccines; I thank you.
Orca & minions; has it ever occurred to you that maybe doctors and scientists are not ‘turning anti vaccine’ but actually discovering something that you haven’t yet? Do you realize this ‘turning’ is a one way street? No ‘anti vax ‘ scientists ever turn pro vax, do they?
Despite the hits to their career, they can’t be bought out to advocate for vaccines ever again. So sad it took a global pandemic to do this but it is done. The reign of terror; the vaccine narrative, is starting to crumble.
Thank you God, for allowing this to happen in my lifetime. Happy Mothers Day in Heaven, mom. You were right the whole time & if I would have listened to you, Jessie would be alive & Luke would not be disabled.
The day (early 1990s) my mom came home from the lab & plopped down a huge folder of documents & said “WE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE VACCINES “, I will never forget. My mom was a hero; fired for refusing to lie about vaccine death.
LOOK at the science again. The truth is in the science. Not the epidemiological nonsense that couldn’t correlate gravity to a falling object… The etiological science. Look at the history. If you don’t want to go back to Nazi Germany at least go back to SV40.
Science that has an agenda may as well be science fiction. Science that runs counter to the human experience is doomed. There is a problem with the vaccines.
A. The fact that the post was shared in a conspiracy theory site and a lot of believers came to comment isn’t actually an indication that the number of conspiracy theorists or anti-vaccine activists in the world changed. It is an indication of where the post was shared.
B. To remind you, you lost a baby to SIDS – potentially in part because you deprived her of oxygen. A horrible tragedy, but not related to vaccines. You also have an autistic child, and are autistic yourself – also not related to vaccines.
You would do well to find a way to help yourself without fighting against vaccines that prevent disease based on untrue claim. I hope you find it.
Bill Gates models for Covid19 have been dumped . Anthony Fauci has been exposed as a fraud.
A YouTube video by Rashid Buttar? That’s your idea of proof?
I remember when Rashid Buttar was selling a transdermal cream as a cure for autism. I called it “Buttar Cream.” Some people are just gullible.
Best comeback ever. I must remember this for future use. BTW Attorney Whittemore was financially invested in a therapy for the XMRV retrovirus according to a documentary I watched a few years ago. I have pondered which came first, the therapy or the illness? After all, he did hire a bartender as his research director. One who obviously craved the limelight and obviously would go to extremes to be in it.
I agree with Orac!!!!! I bet its probably been tried, to sit down live with an tin foil theorist and make them give evidence for every single claim they make, but I bet they all just responded like this CS person in the end lmaooooo. Yes, CS, but if i reciprocated and said you are full of s*** too, I bet you would say something along the line of “shut up! how do you know!”. My response would be: “I dont. What I do know is that I just showed you your own stupidity. Now look in a mirror and facepalm.”
If you’re not full of shit, you probably need a GI doctor.
Hahahaha omg so funny hahahahahaha full of shit and g.i. doctor omg so so so funny Great zinger. Please go on the comedy circuit. Lol. Holy shit that is so funny! Hahahahahahahaha. You are doing humanity a disservice if you do not end up on stage!
Care to explain why Mikovits isn’t a woo-sodden crank with a dubious connection to what any of us with a scientific education might see as reality?
Mikovitz was on the team that originally isolated HIV from saliva for one thing and her plagiarized work was later used to help a deceitful Gallo win co-Nobel. Even his own industry sanctioned him for unethical behaviour. She has more decades of achievement than this little dick ‘Dr’ will ever have. As this monkey misogynist so stereotypically labels Mikovitz as ‘crazy’. He’d never dare pull that smear on a male virologist.
Mikovitz vs DicklessDogg is actually a case of
Genuine intelligence & integrity vs a tired, caustic attention whore Big Pharma clown vamping as a hip, with-it “physician” who is just another tool of the MSM with cheap bells & whistles to score celeb status. Too bad his music is as boring as his intellect. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz get a new job.
To stay on the topic of the discovery of HIV, check Luc Montagnier on this blog.
Orac did dare.
Your*. Dumbass.
Contraction: You are. fucktarded moran (I mean, ‘my fellow inbred alabamians’ showing collective rage because they can’t get their dog groomed). MAGA! YEA!
Oh. You wanted to be that guy? Imma gonna be that guy
Tiff- there are different strands of the same vaccine. Depending on which insurance or how you pay for the vaccine. My daughters pediatrician informed me of this back in ‘92.
The person who wrote this article knows nothing about science or medicine. I have several degrees, including a degree in Biochemistry, and the writer of this article said nothing to discredit Dr Judy or her opinions. It was a long winded jealous rant that was a very ineffective attempt to convince people to accept the official covid 19 narrative, which very few do. Even the left is waking up now. The left are generally more brainwashed and question authority less, but now everyone of every political stripe is starting to see how truly absurd this “deadly pandemic” is.
The writer of this rant is completely ignorant, or a paid operative to manufacture misinformation.
My MD and PhD say otherwise.???♂️
The author is an MD/Ph.D.
If you link to your biography, we can all look at your degrees, but they likely matter a lot less than the fact that you have not pointed to anything incorrect in this article.
And really, preventing a dangerous disease isn’t a political issue. We should all want it.
I think you are right. Every sentence sounds biased as hell, crammed full of “maybes” and “could he’s”. He is right about one thing – smells fishy. Why doesn’t he just interview all these doctors he “debunks”?
Because it would be a waste of time.?
Agreed. There are a lot of hard-working people, investigative journalists, healthcare workers that speak out in fear, reputable degrees people with a variety of educational and Work experience backgrounds that are asking good questions right now. This doctor seems to just disparage and point and laugh and I’m not quite sure why but it’s not to help us out as citizens that could use some reliable information with all the confusion with the virus going on.
Dorothy, I have to ask, how can you possibly be a credible RN, I mean if you don’t believe in evidence based care, as clearly you do not, how can you practice evidenced based care.
Crank nurses are just as cranky as crank Dr’s and a plague on our profession imo
Dude, so she’s part of a conspiracy, but you don’t believe in conspiracies? So which conspiracy should I believe? Seems that you simply believe and trust the elites and powerful. I’m suspicious of you now. You seem to lack some critical thinking skills. You are appealing to authority, consensus, etc. So many weak ass angles here. No in depth response to her claims, just saying they’re “crazy.” And then throwing around terms like “persecution complex”
Yeah, she was thrown in jail you idiot. She was literally persecuted. You think she imagine that? LMAO. You must be an idiot or something.
Judy Mikovits in Plandemic: An antivax conspiracy theorist becomes a COVID-19 grifter
This is the title of this article which in itself is misleading. The interviewer clearly asks Mikovits if she is an anti-vaxer , her answer is NO
One more time for one more fool:
Mikovits promoted the idea that vaccines cause autism. (They don’t.) She has given talks at numerous antivaccine conferences. She’s claimed that retroviruses from fetal cells used to grow vaccine strain viruses are responsible for chronic fatigue syndrome and a raft of chronic diseases. She claims IN THE TRAILER that SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) spread as a result of contaminated flu vaccine. She buys into every major antivaccine conspiracy theory I can think of off the top of my head. The co-author of her book she’s promoting is Kent Heckenlively, a co-founder of one of the most influential antivaccine blogs out there (Age of Autism) and a rabid antivaxxer who fantasizes about a tribunal to punish all those who promoted vaccination; that is, when he isn’t fantasizing that he is Aragorn leading the forces of the West in one last stand against the evil Dark Lord Sauron, using that fantasy as a metaphor for his fight against big pharma and the vaccine establishment. The foreword to her book was written by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., one of the top leaders of the antivaccine movement.
In other words, Mikovits is antivaccine af.
You must be the sort of person who thinks the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) is a democracy.?
She was ‘prosecuted’, not ‘persecuted’. Prosecution occurred when she committed theft. Really not fodder for a martyr complex or any conspiracy theory.
Pointing out that multiple independent labs failed to replicate her famous study is not an “appeal to authority.” It’s a scientific fact.
Interviewer : Are you an axe murderer?
Axe Murderer : NO
Interviewer : Great! Case closed. You can go home now.
The guy that said you are “a tired, caustic attention whore Big Pharma clown vamping as a hip, with-it “physician” who is just another tool of the MSM with cheap bells & whistles to score celeb status,” really did not deserve the dignity of a reply.
He was wrong– you do not seem tired at all.
But I think the angry Hep C Tranny style of communication may be laying it on a bit too think for the purpose. You won’t be writing for Scrubs, right? So why bother? I mean– Bruce Jenner is already the Biggest winner.
I’d say calm down. Address the hard parts, skip the Buddy Hackett-Don Rickles– cruely “Ironic” hood rat nickname stuff. Or not… zzz.
To all the “new” little brown shirts in the internet world who have closed their minds, criticizing outside the box thinking and defending the status quo of research/publishing world.
Right now 5 companies own over 50% of the research publishing industry. (in some fields like medicine/medical research that number is closer to 70% and have profit margins approaching 40% (that is almost illegal drug dealers profit margins ). These 5 companies control what gets promoted, what gets talked about and basically what you are to think. Anyone remember when the experts in the field of hormone replacement were promoting estrogen replacement, not just in menopausal women and all other points of view were suppressed aka: not published ? 20 years later and thousands of women later who developed all kinds of cancers suffered and died, because of the prevailing research.
Just keep in mind there is peer reviewed published research that claims up to 70% of researchers have “fudged” data or know someone that did.”How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Survey Data”
I hate to rain on your parade but read this quote.
“Overall, the journal’s use of reviewers exclusively from within the field to review articles created for and by other practitioners in the field greatly reduces its value as a scientific publications.
It is striking, however, that these courts devote little attention to the sufficiency of these journal’s peer review process or to the issues stemming from a review process dominated by financially and professionally interested practitioners”
Now that was from a US District Court ruling this year. Keep in mind that statement was made by a liberal, Obama appoint Judge not some right wing nut job.
This thinking will be coming to you in the future, if you want to keep believe the “consensus” of science it doesn’t bother me, just don’t demand I believe it as well.
Hey man, Orac doesn’t come down to where you work and slap all the dicks out of your mouth.
Oh no…science debunked my tin-foil hat world and now I’m melting down……
That’s no loss. The tin can be recycled. The rest can be composted.
Why does the video of pandemic keep getting removed? Hmmm….
Because as of late, social media platforms are making a more concerted effort to stop the spread of demonstrably false or highly misleading information. So it’s removal is very much about it’s how bogus it is and not further evidence of a whacked-out conspiracy.
It’s obvious the Globalist Elite own 96% of the world’s media and will try to censor anyone who tells the truth about their evil schemes. Just like their doing with the documentary’s “Out of Shadows & “HOAXED”
But people are on to thier lies and we ain’t having it anymore.
Here’s Youtube’s explanation — “A YouTube spokesperson said the company removes “content that includes medically unsubstantiated diagnostic advice for covid-19,” which includes the “Plandemic” video. A representative for Facebook said, “Suggesting that wearing a mask can make you sick could lead to imminent harm, so we’re removing the video.”…/plandemic-youtube…/
Copyright infringement is a major issue here–the film uses many video clips without permission.
I think if you filter through half her misinformation and half your ego we might get the truth. Yes she’s absolutely right about Fauci and Bill Gates. Yeah she is trying to portray her arrest as something it’s not but you’re also trying to downplay a lot of what is going on. Real doctors wouldn’t be going on actual news sites and telling people they are getting paid more to falsify numbers. YouTube wouldn’t come out and say if you merely suggest that people take vitamin c and zinc we are going to take your video down because it goes against the WHO recommendations. There’s more out there. Johns Hopkins wouldn’t say medical misdiagnosis kills 250,000 people a year making it the third highest cause of death after cancer and heart disease if it weren’t true. But you’ll just spew your feelings and whatever ?♀️
I have a question for anyone who found this video persuasive: ok, so you don’t believe “The Official Version”. I don’t have any real problem with that on its face: everybody should be skeptical and ask for proof. But here’s my question: why is anything that goes against “The Official Version” automatically true for that reason alone, and anyone who criticizes a video like this a “sheep” or “asleep” or else part of “The Conspiracy to Suppress the Truth”? What if the video is just bad and cringe like this one is? Why don’t you deploy the same skepticism about videos like this that you do against “The Official Version”? It’s like you barred the front door against a sheep only to leave the back door open for the wolf to enter.
Have you listened to the conspiracy theories that are floating around about coronavirus? They contradict each other, so they can’t all be true. But people seem to have no problem believing ones that contradict each other at the same time. I mean, the virus can’t both be fake or hyped to give cover for the government to steal your liberties and at the same time be a bioweapon released by a Chinese lab by Bill Gates or whatever to depopulate the world, right? Those can’t both be true. Why would you create a bioweapon that doesn’t work? But people seem to be able to believe both these things at once without theirs heads exploding. I don’t get it. How do you decide which brand of nonsense you’re going to believe?
It’s like some people are so desperate not to get fooled that they guarantee they’ll get fooled by believing every wrong thing at once, not because it’s true, but only because it contradicts “The Official Version”. Thinking like that doesn’t make you “awake”, it makes you a gullible rube.
You are applying critical thinking skills that these people claim to have but clearly do not.
Well said, and hopefully in simple enough terms that those that need it most can comprehend it
why is anything that goes against “The Official Version” automatically true for that reason alone,
Because the official version is the result of actual science and doesn’t need scare quotes.
Its known as crankmagnatism
Keep up the good work exposing these fruitcakes
Wow, great comment. I wonder if anyone has done a functional MRI study looking at this. Could be a good idea……..
IMHO this is about JM’s message: dangerous viruses can be (and on occasions are) distributed via vaccines.. BigPharma doesn’t like that message? so they should.. Hence, what about very well and admitted (accidental?) occurrence at vaccine manufacturer lab: ” Officials are trying to get to the bottom of how vaccine manufacturer Baxter International Inc. made “experimental virus material” based on a human flu strain but contaminated with the H5N1 avian flu virus and then distributed it to an Austrian company. Release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses – if that indeed happened – could have resulted in dire consequences. That company, Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, then disseminated the supposed H3N2 virus product to subcontractors in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany. Authorities in the four European countries are looking into the incident, and their efforts are being closely watched by the World Health Organization and the European Centre for Disease Control. If someone exposed to the mixture had been co-infected with H5N1 and H3N2, the person could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people. That mixing process, called reassortment, is one of two ways pandemic viruses are created.”
Claims made without evidence can be safely dismissed without evidence.
In short: we have no reason to believe you.
It seems that this is about JM’s message: dangerous viruses can be (and on occasions are) distributed via vaccines.. BigPharma doesn’t like that message? so they should.. Hence, what about very well and admitted (accidental?) occurrence at vaccine manufacturer lab: ” Officials are trying to get to the bottom of how in 2009 vaccine manufacturer Baxter International Inc. made “experimental virus material” based on a human flu strain but contaminated with the H5N1 avian flu virus and then distributed it to an Austrian company. Release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses – if that indeed happened – could have resulted in dire consequences. That company, Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, then disseminated the supposed H3N2 virus product to subcontractors in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany. Authorities in the four European countries are looking into the incident, and their efforts are being closely watched by the World Health Organization and the European Centre for Disease Control. If someone exposed to the mixture had been co-infected with H5N1 and H3N2, the person could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people. That mixing process, called reassortment, is one of two ways pandemic viruses are created.”
You already said that.
You didn’t need to post the same 11-year-old excerpt twice. In any event,
The excerpt (full article here has fuck-all to with vaccines, rendering your invocation of it to another passage to the already overcrowded Incompetence Zone.
erm.. no he’s not. have you noticed he shows proofs of everything he says instead of opening his mouth and letting his belly rumble?
Well I’d like to have viewed the video myself but it was taken down and so to argue that she is fake or whatever does NO GOOD because I’m not allowed to see what she has written or tried to share so as far as I know maybe your just a fake from your first few criticisms of her I was already put off…
Terry @ 5:12 min
One beautiful and on the mark reply. It was a joy reading it.
You hit a home-run there !!!!
His real name, David Gorski! The doctor that makes millions off of cancer victims. He claims he is bipartisan another one of his lies. This is all just his opinion. Another Trump hater trying to debunk the lies about Covid.
Millions? I wish! Really, where’s that filthy lucre? I’m taking a (hopefully) temporary 20% pay cut for May and could really use the money. That could go to as high as 50% in July if things don’t turn around. So, really, I could use the money. I’d start looking for another job, except that, thanks to COVID-19, there really aren’t any open jobs right now in my field in a place where I’d want to live. It doesn’t help that I’m in the latter half of my career. Don’t get me wrong. I have enough savings that I can ride this out as long as it doesn’t go on for too long, but to paint me as flush with millions of dollars just makes me laugh. ???♂️
Wow. Just when I think people couldn’t possibly be more ignorant. If I had cancer, I know who’d I trust to take care of me (and it sure as hell wouldn’t be anyone like Miskowitz).
“His real name, David Gorski!”
Do you think you’ve discovered some deep dark secret?
lmfao, bruh, he has his name on this blog.
congrats, you have shown that you can read.
Money, Penny, is not what this is about.
I cannot judge the first part, but the second part – debunking lies – seems a worthy endeavor.
It’s also agreeing that Mikovits is indeed full of lies.
Or do you think “debunk” means something else than “reveal/correct/show the falsity of”?
Maybe you’ll grow up some day, little guy.
That is so easy to say, and so hard to prove.
I pray for you because when the people rise up they will come for you…and they WILL come for you and your blatant lies… they will watch you die a slow agonizing death. I can see it happening. It seems FAIR to me. Dr Judy is a brilliant doctor who has put her life and reputation on the line and withstood the slings and arrows of Tony Fauci, WHO, CDC and FDA and tiny peckered internet trolls like you for humanity. You and your pitiful anemic lies cannot touch her light. You also slandered my friend Mikki Willis. You cannot refute the science so you have to take down the messenger. You should be ashamed of yourself. Did the reptilians take over your soul like Gates? Maybe you never had one to begin with. It’s getting fun. :)) Peace, rainbows and unicorns. PS If only you had a bigger manhood we wouldn’t behaving this conversation. People who are shining their like Dr Judy don’t have time to put others down…
Pitiful, just pitiful.
“Dr Judy is a brilliant doctor…”
Only if you are a microbe. A human… not so much.
Wait! Are you actually a microbial alien? Is that why you love Mikovits so much?
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Thanks, Orac, for consolidating the entire Mikovits saga in one place.
Heckenlively has been writing hyperbolically about her genius for the past several weeks at the Bolen Report. I believe that they have co-authored two books already, Plague and Plague of Corruption– such creativity for title choice!
It causes me to wonder, do any of these grifters earn reasonable amounts of money from these woo masterpieces? I mean, SRSLY, even if they get 5%, they’d need to sell a lot of books to make more than small change.
That only leaves one conclusion: It’s not about the money, it’s about something more important. The truth.
Agreed. There is no way Mikovits would put herself out there Jailed and probably her life in danger now, here the hate in this Doc’s speech, for the money. She has a 45 year history/reputation as a highly regarded virologist/researcher. She used to make vaccines. This doctors postulation that we can shove her in an anti-vaccine crazy group and ignore her is not helping anyone out to figure out why so many children have neurological problems and why we cannot get straight answers about this virus as our civil rights are stripped away
If you read the article properly you’d realise that they are not interested in the truth, at least not in any objective sense that rational people would recognise.
She has a 45 year history/reputation as a highly regarded virologist/researcher.
Tell us more of Mikovits’ virological breakthroughs in 1975.
Thanks Connor. That was funny.
Bwhahahah. The “truth”. For your lot is should be spelled “TH3 TROOF”
I had missed that Heckenlively was over at PatTimmy’s place. Mostly because I can’t stand the web page formatting. I have wondered where Kent had got to. He seems to have some falling out with AoA, perhaps they are insufficiently nutty for him.
My guess the bigger dollars are to be made from the speaking engagements, although I don’t know how much Autism ONE pays. The self-published books are a means to an end.
@ Chris P:
Right. I doubt that they make much money off of book sales but they may have speakers’ fees and Mikovits is paid as an expert witness.( although I doubt that “expert” and “witness” mean the same in her vocabulary as they do in my own )
In addition, many anti-vaxxers have websites/ organisations where they sell products ( supplements, T- shirts), have adverts, access ( memberships) or raise funds as charities.
Kennedy earns an income in this way as do B. Loe Fischer, Kim Rossi and other anti-vaxxers like Del BIgtree, the TMs.
I think a lot of people came to this article in hope that their fear of something more sinister than the virus itself would be pacified. Well, you achieved in finding a well-spoken expert in the medical field to extinguish the flames of your worry and put your mind back into the semi-numb state it finds comfortable. I have a feeling though, deep down, most of you know that your initial intuition is correct, like it is concerning most situations in life. Unfortunately, for the brave and the cowardly alike, the hard truth can be very difficult to accept as it requires sacrifice, change, and a readiness to face the unknown. Perhaps we can all agree that Mikovits’ past is riddled with some strange events and decisions that cause her whsitleblowing to be approached skeptically. Does that mean that she is necessarily lying? Orac’s article spends significantly more word space attacking her credibility than is does debunking this “conspiracy theory”. He casually dismisses the $13,000 to $39,000 Medicare payout for doctors who rule cause of death by Covid-19 or use ventilators on patients who may not even need it as if it is a throwaway fact. That fact ALONE should shake the foundation of a critical thinker. Why is Medicare giving five figure bonuses to doctors who comply with these guidelines? Because if the mortality rate of the virus is high enough, people will cling to the hope of new vaccinations and big pharma will make multi-billions of dollars at the expense of human life. The reality of it is sickening, and to see cowardly “experts” such as Orac throw flowery jargon around to bedazzle and mislead those seeking the truth is a terrible deed. If money is indeed the root of all evil, just keep following the stem and you’ll end up at the truth.
Here here. Well put Connor.
Whatever’s going on, the truth will prevail, and goodness knows it needs to.
Political and corporate lies, deception and corruption runs rampant around the globe and cannot be denied. Our so-called leaders are not fit for purpose and, while there are good people in these domains, we have to accept that greed and hubris knows no bounds and the current situation should make us all dust off our intuition and be aware of changes that don’t feel right.
There’s a lot bubbling up to the surface at the moment. Let’s take a step back and feel into what we’re seeing and hearing i.e. civil liberties removed, freedom of speech eroding (Mikovits and other videos taken down), 5G roll out without independent robust science to evaluate health risk, mandatory vaccination recommended on the back of unreliable COVID19 figures.
There can’t be many people who believe the mainstream media is a reliable source of truth so we do need to be aware of big changes happening, for whoever reason. Being attuned to the actuality of our experience (gut feeling if you like) makes us better able to respond, should the need arise, rather than reacting through conditioned, habitual ways of thinking.
And most important of all, keep breathing in the good things in life too. It’s still an amazing gift and if we truly wish to leave the world in a better place than we found it, we need to find a way to link up, one and all, and follow that intention.
Have a great day.
I Agree
Sigh. YouTube isn’t obligated to give you or anyone freedom of speech.
I sincerely doubt individual doctors are being paid 13k to 39k per Covid death. I suggest you re-read your original source. You also forget that America ain’t the only f#£king country in the world.
Medicare payouts are higher for patients that need ventilators. This price was set by legislation, the CARES Act, signed by President Trump to help offset all the money lost by hospitals having less business, less elective procedures And more uninsured people needing COVID19 treatment.
Agreed. He glosses by the payout for covid diagnosis. Won’t address it
Um, wrong.
That shaking is more likely the rocks banging together in your head.
Good grief where did you learn medical billing from? First, doctors in hospitals aren’t’ receiving “bonuses”. The payment made for services area based on the diagnosis and goes to the hospital or provider if private practice. If you go to the hospital for the flu versus cardiac arrest, the payment is different (also geographic region and other factors). I’m not sure if you’ve been paying attention but its more expensive to treat someone with SARS-CoV-2 versus something else since there is no approved treatment. If you stay on a vent for 20 days, you would think it would cost more than one day.
Go to school, learn medical billing, then give a comment as to how medicare is paying for services.
OMG. Five figure bonuses to doctors who comply? My husband (on the frontlines of this) took a pay cut. Where did you find that fact? And putting patients on ventilators that may not need it? Seriously? You believe doctors are deliberately putting patients on ventilators to get a pay out? Or did you have another way of treating them that low and behold these hospitals (dealing with a virus they’ve never dealt with before and patients gasping for air) were avoiding so they could get this bag of cash. What a bunch of garbage. The Absolute worst case scenario is putting a patient on a vent. No healthcare provider in good conscience is going that route unnecessarily. But then again I should assume you do not think ED docs work in good conscience. Sigh. I hope you’ve never popped even a Tylenol or a Z-Pack in your anti-Pharma lifestyle. Anyways, be well. But do not stop by the hospital if you get sick. There won’t be anyone working there. They will all have retired with all of their new found money in pure elation that they don’t have to put up with this conspiracist crap anymore. The rabbit hole gets deeper everyday.
It is the *love* of money that is considered evil, money itself is neutral. In this world none of us can exist without money – many at the forefront of antivax and alternative health show a deep love of money judging by where and how they live, and I think can fairly be described as ‘evil’, or EVIL!!!! as many antivaxxers would write it.
Thank you for speaking out about the corruption going on in the field of big pharma . The corruption and evil has invaded every corner of our human lives. Medical & pharma, politics, financial world, reproduction, human trafficking of women & children, and much, much more. Greed and evil is permeating our very existence in life.
“Does that mean that she is necessarily lying?”
Yes it does. She has a long history of doing just that. Oh, and bartending. She did that too.
I’m sorry, but for those of us outside the USA where your “extra payments” etc aren’t anything actual thing, we are seeing similar statistics per capita. Are you suggesting that doctors are inflating the numbers to get extra money that also manages to miraculously keep the statistics consistent with other countries? Countries where there is no economic motive and a public funded health system?
He casually dismisses the $13,000 to $39,000 Medicare payout for doctors who rule cause of death by Covid-19 or use ventilators on patients who may not even need it as if it is a throwaway fact.
Looks like dipshit here is the first one to mention the “Covid bounty” fabrication while complaining that Orac is dismissing it.
So this is a conspiracy? She’s conspiring with others in order to make money? She’s lying. But wait, I thought you rational, sane people don’t believe in conspiracies.
I’m confused.
There is an origin to the term. The term conspiracy theory was created in 1967 by the CIA. To discourage people from challenging whatever government propaganda or narrative is put out. You can look this up all over the search engines. The term is used to dismiss or brush them off as crazy.
I did just that. The origin of the term is not what you say. For instance, the term dates back as far as the 1870s. As for the CIA document pointed to as the “smoking gun,” it only mentions the term once in passing and doesn’t bother to define it, which implies that it already had an accepted meaning in 1967. But thanks for playing.?
It’s so nice to see that you are finally mercifully free from the ravages of intelligence. Congratulations!
Oh no LevelLOGIC. Conspiracies really do exist. However, you can recognise a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ by the way it is impossible to change people’s minds about them with fact or logic. If you can objectively critique an idea that agrees with your preconceptions and point out it’s weaknesses then you might not be fully in its grasp.
Just like we’re supposed to believe that Epstein killed himself. I must be a crazy conspiracy nut too
LOL@ LelelLogic
strawman much?
Confused is how they want to keep you, the ones who call conspiracy theorist : Crazy People
The CIA didn’t create the term “conspiracy theory” but they did weaponize it for the purposes of shutting down dissenting views regarding the JFK assassination and the Warren Commission.
Here’s CIA Document 1035-960:
Snopes? Seriously? That’s where you go to debunk anything that doesn’t fit the narrative of the establishment? Wittingly or not, you are definitely a shill for Big Pharma and the medical establishment in general. It would be fascinating to know who pays you to publish this BS.
Orac is actually to kind. Science
retraction is here :
DOI: 10.1126/science.334.6063.1636-a
“Specifically, they failed to indicate
that the CFS patient–derived
peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMCs) shown in Fig. 2C had been
treated with azacytidine as well as
phytohemagglutinin and interleukin-2.
This was in contrast to the CFS
samples shown in Figs. 2A and 2B,
which had not been treated with
This means CFS patient cells were
treated with a drug that activate
retroviruses, and control group were
I was unfamiliar with what azacytidine does. I’m not a virologist.
I followed this whole debacle at the time. The key element that led to the retraction (other than the fact that no-one could replicate the findings) was that Fig 2C mentioned above was not what it was purported to be. Judy Mikovits showed the same blot at a conference with completely different labels for the lanes. What she had failed to do was remove the labels from the original blot on the slide. An investigation showed that the patient lanes showing XMRV Gag signal were in fact samples treated with azacytidine, a compound that activates latent retroviruses in cells. Patient samples not treated were recorded as controls in the figure in the paper. This was not just a case of being mistaken, but one of clear research misconduct.
Azacytidine is a chemotherapy agent known as 5-Azacytidine. It induces hypomethylation.
You’re not anything but a con artist
And yet you can’t say what the “con” is…?
That sounds closer to intentional dishonesty than the sloppiness contamination would suggest.
People from work posting this video (I work at a hospital *cries in science*). Watched a few minutes of the 26 minute clip and saw the high notes but needed some background. Thanks for all your thorough digging and insight!
Even more “Yikes.”
Yes, and she might not have been able to resurge with this BS had the scientific community clearly called it misconduct. I feel like they handled her with kid gloves even though it is obvious to anyone who followed the XMRV debacle that her work wasn’t just sloppy, but intentionally fraudulent. Even now, the scientific community in general seem reluctant to state it plainly.
Yup. She treated CFS monocytes but not the controls with azacytidine to activate their retroviruses and didn’t say that in the paper. That alone is scientific fraud.
The part I am confused about is this
“Only two labs reported evidence of the virus, but replicate sample results disagreed and there was no difference in detection between CFS subjects and negative controls without CFS”k
It says only2 labs…to me 2 of 9 labs seems pretty statistically significant. And how are any labs detecting it if there is nothing present?
Is the contention here that the samples were contaminated at the source and then distributed? Or that testing methodology caused contamination?
If the term were even vaguely appropriate here, it would point in the opposite direction.
[…] non sapete chi è la ciarlatana anti-vax Judy Mikovits, Orac ne racconta la storia in occasione dell'uscita del film agiografico […]
Did you let Jacky go?
Cranks and their documentaries. Sigh. That’s not how science works.
I was down the rabbit hole on the recent “conference” that was covered in WaPo the other day. “Health Freedom” summit, with Wakefield, RFKJr, Bigtree, Mikovits, you know all the names. Anyway, I also noted that Wakefield is raising money from this for a new documentary too.
Nobody in professional scicomm (the ones that keep saying the skeptics and scientists are doing it wrong) has a plan to combat this kind of nonsense. They just wave their hands about better science education. They have no tools ot battle the front lines of bullshit.
Seriously, who does? I follow lots of people who are excellent critical thinkers and know their subject matter, but no one I know has the tools you speak of. Most still tied to information deficit model and often come across as hostile. What is a lay person like me to do?
Personally, I’m tryin’ real hard to be a shepherd, but can’t help but get pissed off at the weak sometimes.
Thank you, Orac, for the incredibly thorough debunking of this YouTube video. I’ve already had 2 fairly intelligent right wingers post this on FB and other friends ask me about it offline as they’re not sure what to believe. I’m doing my best to educate them and your post will certainly help.
So awesome, such a great great counter to this “documentary”. Thanks so much for this, my woefully underinformed niece saw the film and it really scared her, I was very glad to have this article to send to her. As I watched the film, there was so much that didn’t add up, but I try to keep an open mind. Once I heard about “healing microbes in the sand” I started laughing. That was really funny to me. Again, thanks for the article and the research that you did to go along with it. Hopefully, this conspiracy doesn’t become “a thing” and leaves as quickly as it arrived. There is so much real work to be done in the world that people don’t need their time wasted with nonsense.
I hope she took the time to read it William Hatfield. The ‘woefully uninformed’ of the day are not likely to have the time and patience to read the entire content of this piece as well as its highlighted links. Sociologists have determined that current technology has reduced the attention span of its users to mere minutes. Hence, if it doesn’t come in nice, neat, and succinct little package, it doesn’t compute.
Same! I hadn’t heard of this woman at all and so clicked on the video with an open mind and curiosity. I thought her story of being thrown in jail was horrifying and I couldn’t believe it.
But what she was saying got weirder and weirder and yeah, once she got to the part about the healing microbes in the sand I laughed out loud. She had me for a couple minutes there!
I looked up what happened with her arrest story and discovered that she was omitting details. In a case of “she-said, they-said”, where ONE of them has to be lying, it’s not a good look for her to not mention some things about the story to make her look like more of a victim. Like notice she doesn’t say how long she was jailed. Years? Months? Nope. Five days. She deliberately withheld that information from the clip.
She also had her theory on “why Italy was so hard hit” but says nothing on the U.S., whose numbers have skyrocketed beyond any other country’s in the world. Why didn’t she mention the U.S.?
Easy… she filmed this in mid March. Then it took a month and a half to get the video through post and out to be distributed. In that time, a lot has changed and it’s glaringly obvious from what she chooses to talk about in the video… and what she doesn’t talk about at all, because it hadn’t happened yet.
I can’t speak to any of the science, even her pseudo-science is better than mine. But I do pay attention when people talk, and this lady really gave it all away.
For people to call Dr. Mikovits’ analysis “conspiracy theory” is part of the effort to prevent an understanding of how the world works. “Conspiracy theory” has become the intellectual equivalent of a four-letter word: it’s something people say when they don’t want you to think about what’s really going on.
Pardon me?
And, by using the new modeling that takes into account turbulence (think smoke ring puffs and such) instead of the old 1933 model that treated such droplets as falling in a ballistic fashion, it is essentially airborne.
(p.s. Is it just me or is the font now really this teensy weensy?)
Hey, Tim, just for future reference, it would be much more powerful when calling someone a “fucktarded moran” when correcting their English to actually spell moron correctly.
I take it that you are unfamiliar with this guy
*moran* is the accepted spelling amoungst more than 50% of the current viral influx of facebook karens. It will make it to Merriam and so will ‘yeet’.
Now go away or I will yeet insults at you a second time.
@ Tim
For some reason, I’m thinking of elderberries, and winds going in a general direction 🙂
OK, so I had to look up this expression way back when, but it was only recently that I witnessed it. I was looking for a 19.2 oz. can of Lagunitas or Dogfish Head, or something, which was a bargain at $1.79. It’s on the bottom shelf of the small cooler at the Jewel.
So, now, there’s a fellow on his knees to my right, wearing a yellow vest, loading cans into the cooler. Up comes a woman demanding to know where some sort of vodka seltzer was. He sensibly responded, “I don’t know, I’m from the distributor.” This did not sink in. “You should know!” “Ma’am, I don’t work here.”
Rinse, lather, repeat. She stomped off just long enough for me to grab a can of Bell’s Two-Hearted Ale, but it was not to last. She came back, read him the Riot Act, and told him that he should be ashamed of himself.
Lol, but; Did she not demand to see the manager? It is not a strick requirement of the definition — it has laxed up even more, lately.
I’d lean toward leaving that testimonial here:
Ohh, very much so whether she made the standard demand then and there or not!
it does not really fit in with r/FuckYouKaren
“laxed up”
I doubt that she would have been able to return for more verbal abuse if she had; I’m on decent terms with something like two-thirds of the management structure (had a chit-chat with corporate guys floating around the other day, to boot), and I suspect none of them would have had much truck with tantrums.
Then again, what she wanted was in an end-cap two aisles over.
“Then again, what she wanted was in an end-cap two aisles over.”
New shit has come to light, man.
Ohh. You could have diffused the situation by pointing that out to her. But, ohh no. You wanted to have that first voyeuristic karen experience all to your self.
This is now solidly in the realm of r/FuckYouKaren
I hope you are proud of yourself.
There is a little bit of a sad side. All throught history there have been non-karen Karens which were kind, loving, and totally hot.
I grew up with a slightly older girl named Karen — lived across the street. My baby sitter, my tickle torturer, took us trick’or’treating all over the city (one guy said “I think I’ll take the treat” and stole like 25 pounds of candy), and my ride to highschool– Once confided that a nose hair had grown all the way across and made an abscess. First time I ever heard the word diabetes or that it could cause blindness.
And a very very good friend of mine’s mother was named Karen. She used to cut my hair for free. MILF — liked Garry Shandling (My voice is not being electronically altered. Lovemaking with {I forget the name} blew out one of my vocal cords). And then there was the {redacted Karen}, and {redacted Karen}, and {redacted Karen with a husband named Daran}.
But, hey. 2 outta 5 good Karens ain’t bad.
Sadly, it may be 150 years before any mom (save karens) lovingly names her daughter Karen.
I’m seeing a whole “school of ‘thought'” that masks are dangerous because of …carbon dioxide. Yep. These cloth masks capture too much CO2 and then you rebreathe all that dangerous gas. Seems like you’d have health workers falling out all over the place if that were true. People were wearing masks all day way before COVID and no one seemed to care back then.
I actually did have a perceived problem with my home made one from an Oreck vacuum cleaner bag when breathing too shallow. There was too much tidal volume in expansion and contraction of the bag.
The fix was to insert a long piece of tubing down into it so that it didn’t constrict airflow to the rest of the bag and then rolling it up. Most of the air passes out the sides of the pleated roll now.
But too much co2 in an N-95?? Talk about a tempest in a tiny tea cup but, and this is totally anecdotal, anything can happen:
p.s. If one is alone in the vehicle, don’t bother because it will interfere with checking the gauges because you can’t look downward with only the eyes.
Exactly, my sister has been a surgical nurse for close to 10 years. She has NEVER mentioned her co-workers or herself getting sick from wearing a mask 8 to 12 hours a day. Her biggest complaint is being on her feet all day long without much of a break.
As if this grifter isn’t bad enough, now we have DOCTORS IN BLACK PlanDemic, global plan to take control of our lives, liberty, health & freedom to deal with.
How on earth do you figure that those whose opinions differ from the standard rhetoric regarding govt and public health/safety, are taking away your freedoms and trying to control you?
Ask yourself which side has more to gain? Dr Mikovits is literally risking her life to tell her story. She does not stand to gain wealth from this. If her testimony is false, then why delete the video along with all the other videos that are telling us that things are not what they appear to be? Why are so many “whistle-blowers turning up dead?
“Why are so many “whistle-blowers turning up dead?”
Such as?
If you’d read the article, you’d realize that your questions are answered there. Don’t just read the headline and go straight to the comments section to just ask a question.
the answer is VERY simple.
Giving out bullshit medical “advice” costs lives, lots of rthem in a pandemic.
Book sales and speaking fees but most importantly, validation that you aren’t as crazy as you in fact, are.
It really annoys me when grifters are whining about “The Deep State wants me dead!!” when they are, in fact, not dead.
It is a tremendous slur on my professional capability.
“The overlords of big tech have ordered all dissenting voices to be silenced and banned, but they are too late.”
Oh, those sloppy, inefficient overlords! I’ve always wondered how it is that gigantic conspiracies launched by all-powerful government agencies, pharmaceutical interests and their thousands (millions?) of captive scientists, funded by Bill Gates’ billions and other unlimited sources of cash, can be so easily exposed by a relative handful of truth-seeking amateurs on the Internet.
What also confuses me about Mikovits’ XMRV rants is why Big Pharma would be so against her. If XMRV and other retroviruses cause chronic fatigue syndrome and a zillion other chronic illnesses, Big Pharma could generate enormous revenue by marketing antiretroviral drugs to treat them. Something does not compute.
Mikovits is venturing into nuclear stupidity about Fauci and Covid-19 just as her latest book has been released. Think she’s hoping the publicity helps book sales?*
*Any day now, I expect Amazon to list “Plague of Corruption” as its top-selling title in immunology. Wait: as of a few minutes ago Amazon was listing the book as its #2 seller! (other books in the top 5 are “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” and “My First Learn-To Write Notebook”, which leads me to think that either Amazon’s algorithms are flawed, or authors are learning how to game the system).
>What also confuses me about Mikovits’ XMRV rants is why Big Pharma would be so against her.
Note that she’s also conceded that XMRV is not a human pathogen (almost).
There still are some gaps, but it seems to me that Mikovits say XMRV as her big opportunity to be the scientific superstar she always felt she should be. Even to the point of faking data. Somewhere along the way, she convinced herself that this was the cause of many diseases, not just prostate cancer and chronic fatigue. At this point she seems to have fallen in the woo hole.
Of course the exposure of her retrovirus as a laboratory contaminant and the subsequent exposure of her shady activities with data caused her world to come crashing down around her. In the usual way, that had to be somebody else’s fault and who better than the medical establishment and big pharma who were sceptical of her grand claim.
Having been finished as a real scientist, the pseudoscience grifting becomes an attractive niche. I guess if nothing else, it still lets you shine in front of an appreciative audience and play make believe at being the science superstar.
Mikovits has never really gelled with the anti-vaccine community, despite her appearances at Autism One and the patronage by Heckenlively. COVID-19 has turned up just in time for her and plays to her strengths. A virus causing a plague across the world obviously set loose by the nefarious Big Pharma.
“What also confuses me about Mikovits’ XMRV rants is why Big Pharma would be so against her. If XMRV and other retroviruses cause chronic fatigue syndrome and a zillion other chronic illnesses, Big Pharma could generate enormous revenue by marketing antiretroviral drugs to treat them. Something does not compute.”
Definitely doesn’t make ANY sense at all. And I thought I was the only person thinking that for the last 6-7 years or so, ever since her first wacko book came out. Good to know I’m not the only one…
[…] Judy Mikovits in Plandemic: An antivax conspiracy theorist becomes a COVID-19 grifter […]
OMG. Full conspiracy theorist. 🙂
That you cast dispersions on the filmmaker outs your agenda — not good enough to savage Mikovits, you must try to impune the character of Mikki — very snarky of you.
You state: You might recall that he and Dr. Artin Massihi made a misinformation-laden video claiming that COVID-19 prevalence was so much higher than estimated and using that estimate to claim that COVID-19 is actually five times less lethal than seasonal flu. I emphasize that, in reality, the case and death count from COVID-19 is grossly underestimated.
Do you intentionally conflate “Death Rate” with “Death Count” to make a false analogy or are you unaware that you did that? Having said that, do you agree with YouTube’s policy to pull any content that challenges what the WHO says? Are you supportive of that censorship?
>do you agree with YouTube’s policy to pull any content that challenges what the WHO says?
Where is that part of their policy stated?
I can answer this one …
YouTube’s CEO has said things similar to the claim made here, for example :
That said, they don’t go quite so far as “pulling any content that challenges what the WHO says”.
Missed this one the first time:
>That you cast dispersions on the filmmaker outs your agenda
Making rainbows?
Yes! Exactly! Questioned his credibility as soon as he referred to Dr. Mikovits an anti-vaxxer, which she clearly denies. Personal attacks are always telling. Exactly how they responded to Dr. Erickson. Also telling the way they so quickly dismiss the success of Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Zinc combo that several physicians have reported in early stages. Fair to say no clinical trial or peer review, but to dismiss those results, not just from US but other countries, is not science.
Dispersions? That word doesn’t mean what you think it means.
Pretty sure Ted Bundy clearly denied being a murderer, too
Um, yeah… science is about doing trials and peer review. Not “several physicians have reported.”
That’s basically the definition of what science is.
“referred to Dr. Mikovits an anti-vaxxer, which she clearly denies”
Kind of hard to accept that denial when she has spoken at antivax conferences & published at least one book that pushes an antivax message and is coauthored with an antivaxxer.
Casting “dispersions”?? Say it isn’t so!!! Ya’ll must be one of them thar Google doctors.
“Cast dispersions”? The phrase is “cast aspersions” – look it up before you use it again.
No, he did not mix up death rate and death count – you misunderstood him.
Thank you AT for being one of the few people in these comments who aren’t brainwashed by the establishment and conventional narrative. The people who are for censorship are so misguided and ignorant it is hard to argue with them, if they are so confident in their arguments and information then why do they feel the need to have dissenting voices censored. Since when was abolishing free speech seen as a legitimate way to win an argument, since when has silencing the other side supported one’s claim to the truth?
No one in the alternative media/those who are going against the mainstream narrative are calling for the abolishment of free speech or for the propagators of the medical orthodoxy to be censored, why is that? Because we are all for freedom of speech, knowing that if there is true freedom of speech the truth has a chance to get out.
Lastly, anyone who has given alternative/holistic medicine, natural healing, homeopathy, etc a genuine shot has found much better results than they did listening to conventional medicine. With all our “advanced” medicine and pharmaceuticals the American population at large is shockingly unhealthy while those who engage in the various forms of alternative medicine while STAYING AWAY from modern medicine are always much healthier. On top of that taking herbs, homeopathic medicines, terrain medicine, etc does not result in horrific side effects, often death, like taking pharmaceuticals, opting for often unnecessary and invasive surgery, and treating only symptoms does. I for one have not vaccinated my 3 kids, stopped going to a conventional doctor like 8 years ago, and use natural remedies for the rare illness my family encounters and we are unusually healthy. My wife still insists on taking the kids to a regular pediatrician for their yearly wellness visits and every time they remark on how healthy my kids are, how they see their average patient several times a year while they have never seen my kids (the oldest is 10) for a sick visit. My daughter gets an ear infection, its better in a day with natural remedies, my wife gets mastitis, she is better in a day with natural remedies, I get a tooth infection, its better in a day with natural remedies. The last time I went to a doctor was 8 years ago with an ear infection, they gave me 3 different courses of antibiotics, none of which worked and only made me sicker, antivirals, steroids, it got so bad that I developed bells palsy, which they told me would last up to 6 months if not permanently. After 3 weeks of only getting worse I got fed up, stopped taking all my medications, used natural remedies and within 2 days was totally better, including my bells palsy. My ENT was shocked, said he had never seen bells palsy go away that quickly.
Wake up people, Big Pharma is about profits, not helping people.
Bach “Rescue Remedy” did jack shit for me (until I just drank the whole bottle for EtOH content; it’s not a good liqueur, either).
Would you like pictures of breast cancers treated in the fashion you suggest?
Having a history of tooth abscesses is not exactly a great recommendation for your approach.
Definitely stop going to any MDs then. Believe me they don’t want to see you either. Think of all the money you’ll save and you can sing all day about how dumb doctors are. Good luck with cancer, broken bones, diabetes, stroke or an MI.
“I get a tooth infection, its better in a day with natural remedies.”
I can believe that. The natural remedy is to tie one end of a strong string to the tooth and the other to a fast horse, then yell “giddyup!”
“anyone who has given alternative/holistic medicine, natural healing, homeopathy, etc a genuine shot has found much better results than they did listening to conventional medicine.”
That hasn’t been my experience. I had a friend with cancer who was so much of a conspiracy theorist that he went to Ireland and spent $23,000 for some “light therapy” that did no good instead of use conventional medicine. He died shortly afterward. Do you intend to use “alternative” remedies if someone in your family gets cancer?
You are talking about your family. I’m pretty sure we’ve never met. Therefore I would give equal credibility to anyone on the Internet that says the opposite. Including myself, I guess.
The only way to do this right is to look at large groups of people and control as well as we can for things like income and age, and then do careful statistical analysis to see if it’s possible that some people just were luckier than others.
In your case my immediate thought was that people who try natural remedies and end up worse than ever before stop taking natural remedies, stop listening to people who recommend them, and stop posting on blogs about their success.
Cameron dear, I don’t think Mikovits is doing this for the free drinks. She can get all she needs (and clearly has) moonlighting as a bartender…
Acupunture did nowt for me.
Antibiotics take about one to two weeks to work. That includes the time needed for the recovery by your body. Pathogen bacteria which managed to establish an infection don’t just disappear like that. Especially ear infections, those are tricky. Not many medications are efficiently reaching the ORL sphere.
So if the last course of antibiotics was the one which did the trick, of course you would be totally better 2 says after.
Not the first time someone get antibiotics, decide to switch to vitamin C or something, and suddenly find themselves better and cured.
Homeopathy? The only thing a properly prepared homeopathic solution can cure is dehydration. Homeopathy involves the dilution of an active ingredient until there is no detectable level of the ingredient in the solution. In other words the dose is the same as a similar volume of diluting liquid that never had anything added to it in the first place.
I’m not advocating for one side or the other. I have zero background in science/medicine. Just a lamen trying to inform myself on both sides of this argument.
However, one thing struck me as a contradiction to his own argument. When Orac writes about the Whittaker’s recruiting Mikovits: “ If the philanthropists are fixated on one idea, they’ll hire people and fund research looking for evidence to support that idea. ”
Wouldn’t this statement also serve to prove the conspiracy theorists’ claims to Bill Gates’ “sinister” agenda?
***Just as a side-note: the ad hominem attacks are highly unattractive from both sides of the argument. If we are going to call ourselves a Democratic society we should be able to entertain multiple aspects to an argument in a cool, respectful manner.
I’m sorry I can’t speak to the science in any credible way,( so much of the field jargon/vocabulary goes way over my head as a lamen). I’d love a more general explanation for us “google doctors” haha! (Or a ‘do-over’ for high-school to strive for a medical degree lol).
Much Love people.
Sorry, *Whittemore’s
Not really. The Whittemores set up their own resesrch institute and maintained a level of control over its activities. The Gates offer research grants from their foundation to researchers at a whokke range of institutions.
You presumably mean laymen, or, more inclusively, lay people, but I thank you for introducing me to “lamen” which is a magical pendant or breastplate, worn as a necklace.
I hope that with further honest investigation you will see the differences between the Whittemore/Mikovits collaboration and Mr. Gates funding of vaccine research.
Actually I think you have a point about Gates but there is a ton of research on vaccines and not all of it comes from people with an agenda. We have statistical tools like funnel plots to detect sneaky studies, studies are replicated, published studies are peer reviewed by peers who know what to look for, and we have meta-analysis to look at multiple studies, and there are techniques there for looking more closely at why studies don’t agree.
Despite all this there is a consensus that there are still a lot of bad studies and that they influence the general public and even specialists who want to believe that they’ve figured out something no one else knows about. “Looking at both sides” is actually a really bad strategy when one side is walking the line between puffery and dishonesty.
The kicker though is that it’s the “natural” products industry that’s most guilty of this kind of shenanigans.
exactly…..if these people are the cranks you say they are then why censor them? If they are so wacky as you state then censorship shouldn’t be needed…it would be obvious enough for an idiot to just dismiss the “misinformation” outright….correct? And the complete dismal of monetary motives in science and medical is totally glossed over in this review…I have worked in healthcare for 24 years…trust me it exists more than you even know…..
Lay people don’t have the requisite background knowledge to recognize that people like Judy Mikovits are cranks.
Is “casting dispersions” at someone hanging something on a fishing line in hopes of getting said person to go away???
Asking for a friend
I was thinking more in terms of “reading them the Riot Act.”
Although that was effectively ended here by the American Revolution, and has even been repealed in England.
AT – without an accurate death count, you can’t get an accurate death rate. If the deaths are undercounted significantly, it will artificially lower the apparent death rate. So the comment was correct and cogent.
This entire piece is just a bunch of contemptuous words, calls everything a conspiracy about 50 times, points out that she was a dissenting voice, and does very little to actually refute any of the claims Mikovits makes. This entire piece is useless and a waste of time for the reader.
It seems appropriate to use contemptuous words to describe contemptuous deeds.
“…does very little to actually refute any of the claims….”
Could you cite a couple of paragraphs that you feel demonstrate that claim?
“…calls everything a conspiracy about 50 times…”
What else should Orac call a conspiracy?
He’s not going to respond. Debate is never the goal for comments like that.
“This entire piece is useless and a waste of time for the reader.”
And yet a squad of defenders, ranging from the pseudointelligent to the completely inarticulate have swarmed here to drop their pearls of wisdom. I guess Judy is scared.
Indeed. They also appear to have launched a DDoS attack. I turned on Cloudflare’s “under attack mode,” and it’s amazing how the site is now loading and responsive again.
A DDOS attack is a criminal act, no matter by what path you hire a botnet or script dippy to do it. I don’t think they’re stupid enough to use their own info to buy the attack… but who knows.
she won’t be scared, ignorance is bliss
Well it is Full Moon.
Kinda crazy in here. Comment traffic is like 10-fold larger than usual and surprisingly Youtube level in quality. I came in wondering what the hell happened!
DDoS attack? Really? People must be flipping out under lock-down.
Just wondering if you’ve had a chance to see this article? It contradicts some of what you’ve said, for example, that after having gotten married, she was a bartender for 5yrs and how she met Annette Whittemore and Daniel Peterson, in addition to work and findings of other scientists. I’m of no importance or scientific background, but just wondering if I’m missing something here. Albeit, I do agree that she’s flaming the government conspiracy movement, and some of what she says seems far fetched.
Where is the disconnect? I didn’t find a contradiction.
Also in the audience in Barcelona that day was Annette Whittemore, a rich, politically well-connected Nevada native. Her adult daughter had suffered from CFS since childhood and had been under Peterson’s care for many years. Whittemore and her husband, Harvey — a Reno attorney, real estate magnate, and former lobbyist whom local reporters called “the most powerful man in Nevada” — had been holding fund-raisers at their summer vacation mansion overlooking Lake Tahoe for some years to support research into their daughter’s illness.
They also had been lobbying the state legislature and U.S. Senator Harry Reid, a longtime friend, for government money to fund an institution at the University of Nevada in Reno dedicated to the study of CFS. In 2005 the state legislature approved a bill committing $12 million to get the $77 million construction project off the ground. (A variety of other sources, including the Whittemores themselves, would fund the rest.)
Plans were laid for a steel and glass-clad building on the UNR campus that would house, four years hence, the Whittemore Peterson Institute: a collection of labs, clinics, and the office of the president, Annette Whittemore.
Whittemore was impressed when Mikovits — first to the microphone to comment when Peterson finished — said, “I’m a cancer researcher. Number one, I look for viruses in cancer, and number two, this smells like a virus.” Whittemore invited Mikovits to Reno for a six-week stay that summer, during which Mikovits developed a bank of CFS patient tissues for further study. The many patients too weak to stand or walk, requiring wheelchairs or scooters or — to keep their balance — canes, made an impression. By summer’s end she had accepted an offer to become research director of the institute.
Kirsty- Even if that scene happened, it still doesn’t contradict what Orac wrote.
Thank you for taking the time to write this and to provide links. I am afraid the majority of people coming at you will not read.
thank you for writing sense! i jave shared this 🙂
In case you wondering, Mikovits’ anti-vaccine dumbassery goes deep. She actually was an “expert witness” (hold on, I’m laughing too hard to type) in an NVICP case recently. Dorit Rubinstein Reiss wrote all about it:
I hope they didn’t pay her.
The Deisher case covered in full here:
Quite a bit more extensive and referenced than the simplistic and highly biased refutation cited above.
It’s pretty clear why you used a link shortener there. No bias from RFKJr, nosirree Bob.
Can you tell us where Bobby Kennedy, jr got his science/medical credentials? Now remember if you get hurt and require medical attention avoid the emergency department at the hospital and to run to your neighborhood attorney.
Why doesnt the Big Pharma Clown sic his pseudo-intellect on Bill Gates? What is HIS medical pedigree and expertise? Or is the hip-hop attention whore on his payroll too?
>What is HIS medical pedigree and expertise?
The Fail Train just keeps chugging down the track.
Gates knows who to hire, he does not do the research himself. RFK, jr… does not, he just makes stuff up.
(hoping this shows up in the right spot, the DDOS attack evidence that this upset folks and they can’t refute it with actual evidence)
That was not Mikovits’ only attempt to leech from the Vaccine Court system by the provision of Expert Witnessing. I refer you to this entertaining document,
in which Special Master Moran goes on at some length explaining why he rejected Judy’s own assessment of $350 / hour as reflecting the hourly value of her research and testimony, and reduced it to $250 and then down to $150 on account of lack of reputation or competence. Our old friend Clifford Shoemaker turns up on the same gravy-train.
Based on her reputation and bona fides, Ms. Mikovits’ credentials are simply not in the same league as experts who are paid $250 (or more) per hour. While this does not mean that Ms. Mikovits is incapable of providing expert testimony on specific topics, it does mean that she cannot expect to be paid the same hourly rate as those with much better reputations than she. Individuals with better reputations are, presumably, in far higher demand. Accordingly, based on the rate that the undersigned found reasonable for non-medically trained immunologists—$250 per hour—the undersigned makes an additional deduction of 40%. This deduction reflects Ms. Mikovits’ relative lack of reputability in the field compared to comparable experts. This results in a rate of $150 per hour for a non-medically trained immunologist of Ms. Mikovits’ reputation.
After Frank Ruscetti retired from NIH, he and Mikovits set up “MAR Consulting”. I am not sure entirely what consultancy work they provided, other than Expert Witnessing in failed Vaccine Court litigation, and presentations to VaccineOne scamfests.
“MAR Consulting” has submitted a number of reports in Vaccine Program cases, all signed by both Mr. Ruscetti and Ms. Mikovits but with Ms. Mikovits being the testifying witness in each case. Thus, it remains unclear the extent to which the opinions contained in the report reflect the analysis and conclusions of Mr. Ruscetti exclusively. The invoice for the work indicates that a small fraction of the work was performed by Mr. Ruscetti.
The MAR Website is no longer extant and I do not know if the company still exists.
Speaking of gravy trains, Cliff Shoemaker’s train has gone completely off the rails.
Oh. My.
Oh dear.
Grifters have to grift it seems.
I wonder what happened to the $11 million he extracted from the vaccine courts?
The rate cut for Mikovits was even greater than to $150 per hour. Near the end of that same court document there was a further cut for performance in that specific matter: “Based on the inferior quality of her work, the undersigned finds an additional 50% reduction of Ms. Mikovits’ rate appropriate. Ms. Mikovits’ work will be compensated at a rate of $75.00 per hour.”
@ Smut Clyde – well spotted, sir!
Gates knows who to hire. Unlike Kennedy who thinks he knows stuff when he does not.
Judy at IPAK:
Vaccine Components and Host Interactions: Genetics, Epigenetics, Antigenic Load and Compromised Immunity
“The one size fits all concept of western vaccination paradigms began when little or nothing was known about T cell and innate immunity. Moreover, only recently were microbiota considered active participants in the immune response. Dysregulation of crosstalk between the developing immune system and the brain is now realized to be central to neuroimmune disease pathogenesis. The data explosion from immunobiology research shows that immune related adverse events inform all vaccinology. Abandonment of the current archaic strategy for vaccinology and vaccine development is long overdue. High content technologies for genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, immune and microbiome profiling should be utilized for increased safety and efficacy. The elimination of toxins in vaccine components and identification of hosts with genetic and immune susceptibilities to vaccines are attainable. In this chapter, our focus is on predictive factors of response and toxicity of the host rather than on individual agents.”
Curiously, her chapter in the abortive 2017 volume “Controversies in Vaccine Safety” boasted the same title. Though that time, Frank Ruscetti was listed as co-author, and I am left wondering whether he was aware of this use of his name.
The editors, you will recall, were Shaw & Dwoskin & Lujan & Tomljenovic. Contributors included our old friend Vinu Arumugham, with a chapter on “Vaccine Induced Allergies”. To be published by Elsevier / Academic Press until they realised that however much it was subsidised by Dwoskin, it was not worth the damage to their reputation, and they cancelled publication at the last minute.
Smut Clyde — Is this in dispute? I am unclear to the reason for your posting this: “The one size fits all concept of western vaccination paradigms began when little or nothing was known about T cell and innate immunity. Moreover, only recently were microbiota considered active participants in the immune response. Dysregulation of crosstalk between the developing immune system and the brain is now realized to be central to neuroimmune disease pathogenesis. The data explosion from immunobiology research shows that immune related adverse events inform all vaccinology. Abandonment of the current archaic strategy for vaccinology and vaccine development is long overdue. High content technologies for genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, immune and microbiome profiling should be utilized for increased safety and efficacy. The elimination of toxins in vaccine components and identification of hosts with genetic and immune susceptibilities to vaccines are attainable.”
The first lines are almost correct, if one accept her unstated claims that nothing changed in vaccine design since the early days of vaccination.
It may be just me, but its seems to me the methods in use today are a bit more sophisticated than that Jenner or Pasteur did.
The sentence about microbiota is correct, as this is a recent development.
The following sentences are just buzzwords, circular reasoning or unproven claims.
@Teresa: the sentence
“Dysregulation of crosstalk between the developing immune system and the brain is now realized to be central to neuroimmune disease pathogenesis. ”
seems to be code for “vaccines cause autism”.
I read the “theories” these conspiracy theorists spout, with their intricate, devious plots. I look at my own poor attempts at writing. And I just sigh, and wish I had their talent. But I have to admit even the great** Dan Brown can’t match what these people come up with.
**OK, not great. Successful, yes. But not so much with the great.
Dan Brown is a hoot! I love the way he breathlessly writes as he reveals common cultural knowledge as if he exposed the GREAT UNKNOWN! Hahah.
@ Alice Smith
Eh. On my side of the Atlantic, Umberto Eco and his Foucault’s pendulum novel are quite famous. If one wants to describe a conspiracy to hide an affair between Jesus and Maria-Magdalena, that’s my article of reference.
So then I, and then my mom, read the Da Vinci code, we just looked at one-another and said “Is that it?”
Blah blah blah. And, more blah blah blah. Vomit vomit vomit. I get I’ll reading ur trite trash.
@MartySnodgrass: “Blah blah blah. And, more blah blah blah. Vomit vomit vomit. I get I’ll reading ur trite trash.”
I was wondering who Acting President Trump’s speechwriter was.
And yet this video keeps getting removed over and over from YouTube. Hmmm…I wonder why?
Copywrong infringement?
What if the same uploaders are removing it to cause panic?
They’ll stop at nothing.
But not a conspiracy theorist ???
lies, damn lies & statistics! so much mumbo jumbo from failed hacks trying (& succeeding) to make a buck from the scared, the angry & the vulnerable using pseudo science
Blah blah blah. And, more blah blah blah. Vomit vomit vomit. I get sick reading ur trite trash. Get a real job.
>Get a real job.
Lot of losers in the Who Is Orac game lately.
I am amazed on how many cannot access teh googles.
You would see that he has a pretty good job if you took five seconds to read his bio.
Am I behind the times? I can see ‘ur’ being shortened/text speak for ‘you are’ but surely not ‘your’ as well?
She sued WPI with a whistleblower lawsuit 5 years ago, representing herself, basically. She had a lawyer help her write it. In march of this year, the suit was finally tossed out of court because Judy sucked at filing paperwork, even with the judge cutting her some slack to get her shit together. Read it here:
Check Line 5 Page 2, point #7. This is where Mikovits says she co-authored a paper in 2011 asserting that the research behind the WPI subsidiary’s for-profit XMRV tests was faulty and contaminated, literally debunking her OWN research. The study in question that triggered the Science retraction:
She appears to like to have both sides of her bread buttered. She still, to this day, gets up at anti vaxxer conferences and continues to claim the original 2009 study on XMRV doesn’t just correlate to CFS, but to a swath of all sorts of disease and disorders, as the presenter Willis states within the first couple of minutes of the video.
She also claims in line 13 page 5 that it was the Whittemore’s who developed the test for XMRV based on her research, even though she’s listed as the co-inventor on several of the patents protecting the tests she helped developed based on the research she claims is flawed. Ok then!
A full and accurate account of Mikovits’ action-packed career would include her time as a supplements pimp and Lyme Doctor, peddling worthless scammy products for a multilevel-marketing company “Pharmanex / Nu-Skin”. Antioxidants and a “Biophotonic” prescription machine designed to tell suckers that they need to buy more Pharmanex antioxidants. Peddling them, more specifically, to treat Chronic Lyme Disease.
Dr. Judy Mikovitz will be discussing about a new Bio-Energetic Test called Pharmenex BioPhotonic. This test can inform each patient what their levels of anti-oxidants are and their levels of Oxidative Stress, what they are deficient in and what to supplement with to return levels to normal ranges. This is cutting edge technology.
We are privileged to hear her speak and she will have this new technology with her. A nationally known LLMD, will be speaking on inflammation and ways to control the cytokine storms of these illnesses.
She is bringing the new FDA APPROVED scanner for measurements of anti oxidants…she is bring this with her to scan some people to show how it works…
That was before she reinvented herself as Persecuted Heretic to convince the antivaxxers that she was one of them.
NuSkin was pretty big back in the 90s. Their schtick was holding parties where they’d smear half of someone’s face with irritants then show off how the swelling obscured lines and wrinkles.
One must note that you are highly biased, having worked in Big Pharma funded facilities for most of your medical career. Additionally, as indicated in your Wikipedia bio, you are and have been an “outspoken skeptic, and a critic of alternative medicine and the anti-vaccination movement.”
Additionally, you are the managing editor of the website “Science-Based Medicine,” which also is a “source of information about medical controversies and alternative medicine.” whose latest article attempts to make the case that the MMR vaccine with toxic adjuvants like aluminum and mediums like diploid human tissue (aborted baby parts medium used to culture the active virus used in the vaccine).
You are an anti-alternative medical professor who has devoted his career to carrying water for the pharmaceutical and modern medical complex, which siphons off over $3 Trillion annually in the U.S. alone from the American public with pretty pathetic results when all is said and done. (A war on cancer that is still going with the first big three offerings:
carcinogenic chemotherapy (so toxic a spill requires a hazmat suit to clean up),
carcinogenic radiation therapy
the surgical removal of localized cancer (a symptom-based approach which often results in the spread because the cause was not addressed, only the symptom).
Additionally, your criticisms are simply repeats of the industry attacks on Dr. Mikovits. She refused to back off of her, finding that the XMRV retrovirus was associated with ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). Transmitted she and her fellow researcher discovered by pulverized mouse brains used to cultivate vaccines such as the mercury-preserved (thimerosal)polio vaccine where CFS first arose in the 1930s at LA County General Hospital.
Of course, the industry is going to drum up attacks on Dr. Mikovits when she brings up any potentially critical information about vaccines because they potentially threaten a cash cow that feeds them and indirectly yourself as well.
After all, it took you a short time to come out with an article attacking Dr. Mikovits, an expected response from someone who attacks any opinion, alternative, or information contrary to the approved medical/pharmaceutical complex accepted narrative.
People see through the modern medical mirage in increasing numbers, and biased blogs like yours are helping to further that awareness. Thank you for your kind contributions. Keep up the excellent work.
LOVE this callout!!
A collection of recycled ad hominem fallacies is a great callout?
You’re clearly way too easily impressed.
Critical thinking has never been a trait of anti-vaxxers. If they could do it adequately, rather than the joining the dots they are prone to, they would not be anti-vaxxers.
There are no aluminium adjuvants in the MMR vaccine.
Mikovits faked data in her paper
She has refused to back down, but everyone else in science knows XMRV was a laboratory artifact and is not associated with any disease.
Pharmaceutical companies do not make much money out of vaccines. Usually, you give them once or a small number of times for a lifetime of protection from diseases. Pharmaceutical companies would make much more money out of drugs for treating the diseases.
Polio vaccines are grown in monkey kidney cells, not mouse brains.
You have managed to fill my anti-vaccine trope bingo card with this rant and I would like my prize now.
“Pharmaceutical companies do not make much money out of vaccines. Usually, you give them once or a small number of times for a lifetime of protection from diseases. Pharmaceutical companies would make much more money out of drugs for treating the diseases.”
People get the flu vaccine every year. That is a lot more then once or a small number of times.
Seriously, the influenza vaccine is the exception. Only because the influenza strains vary from year to year and keep changing.
You don’t get given polio vaccine more than once, mostly, MMRV vaccine more than twice and so on. It is not much of a business model to make sure your customers never have to come back.
There are no aluminium adjuvants in the MMR vaccine.
Yes, true I cited the wrong vaccine. However, there are plenty of other vaccines with aluminum (a known CNS toxin) to fill in the gap (including those approved by the CDC for administration to infants at ages as low as 2 months)
As noted by PubMed: Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science’s understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds.
There are three general types of aluminum-containing adjuvants:
Aluminum hydroxide
Aluminum phosphate
Potassium aluminum sulfate (often called “Alum”)
The US licensed vaccines for children that contain aluminum adjuvants are:
DTP (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine)
DTaP (diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccine)
Some but not all Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) conjugate vaccines
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)
Hepatitis B vaccines
All combination DTaP, Tdap, Hib, or Hepatitis B vaccines
Hepatitis A vaccines
Human Papillomavirus vaccine
Anthrax vaccine
Rabies vaccine
According to the CDC’s lis of 2020 Recommended Vaccines for Infants and Children (birth through 6 years)
The following vaccines are recommended at the age of 2 months:
DTaP (diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccine) which contains aluminum hydroxide
Pneumococcal or PCV13 vaccine – which contains aluminum phosphate
Hib – which contains amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate
IPV (polio vaccine) – which contains formaldehyde (A great ingredient to put into a developing baby’s body huh? Good preservative for cadavers too as well)
So, yeah, it may not be in the MMR vaccine. But heck by the time an infant gets to that vaccine at 12 months. They have already had a nice little dose of vaccines containing toxins such as heavy metal aluminum adjuvants with other helpful ingredients such as preservatives like formaldehyde for good measure.
Thanks for the correction though. You have added to my in the bag for Big Pharma saps list with your “rant” (Oh, please spare me the hyperbolic drama. Rant? A laughable description designed as an ad hominem put down. Duh!)
You have just been given your prize. My research and the links to the websites that validate all stated. Please feel free to fully enjoy your gift.
Mikovits faked her paper?
Yeah, a real credible source. A writer for Science Magazine. Hmmm…I wonder if there may be a bit of BigPharma bias mixed in there?
First of all, it was not her paper alone. She worked on the paper with Dr. Ruscetti at the Cleveland Clinic. The work was published in Science Magazine which is remarkably similar to the magazine your so-called critic works for.
Ruscetti bowed to the pressures and claimed mistakes. Mikovits did not. Ruscetti was retained. Mikovits was not. Any correlation in behavior and results there I wonder?
With regards to the polio vaccine noted, the vaccine was developed by Dr. Maurice Brodie in 1935 and was not cultivated on “monkey kidney cells”:
In 1935 Maurice Brodie, a research assistant at New York University, attempted to produce a polio vaccine, procured from virus in ground up monkey spinal cords, and killed by formaldehyde. Brodie first tested the vaccine on himself and several of his assistants. He then gave the vaccine to three thousand children. Many developed allergic reactions, but none of the children developed an immunity to polio.
The vaccine was procured from ground up monkey “spinal cords” and then killed with formaldehyde. It didn’t work btw after being given to 3,000 children. How surprising?
According to Mikovits the polio virus Brodie used was:
“passaged multiple times through mouse brain tissue. The use of the mouse was new in the 1930’s, only previously having been used in the development of a Yellow Fever vaccine.
In addition the staff [of the hospital where the chronic fatigue syndrome was first noted] was given an accompanying immune system booster, preserved with thimerosal, a mercury derivative.”
The cited references for the above statements are:
W.A. Sawyer et al., “Vaccination Against Yellow Fever with Immune Serum and Virus Fixed for Mice,” Journal of Experimental Medicine (May 31, 1932), 945–969.
John F. Kessel et al., “Use of Serum and the Routine and Experimental Laboratory Findings in the 1934 Poliomyelitis Epidemic,” American Journal of Public
Feel free to look them up and refute the facts cited regarding the use of the passage of the production of the polio vaccine administered to the LA County staff conducted by Mikovits and Ruscetti.
Another gift you can add to your collection btw.
I’m very generous. Thank you.
Big Pharma makes much of its money from the toxic synthetic chemicals that fill the PDR’s with contraindications and their coffers with profits that is true.
However, to pass off the vaccine as piddling is a bit disingenuous to say the least and a pile of dog poo to be frank. Injecting children worldwide with vaccines is quite profitable. Then again Bill Gates is just investing Billions in vaccines out of the goodness of his heart I suppose.
Additionally, it also serves as a way on ensuring a steady stream of customers later on as well serving as an investment in the future of the pharmaceutical cash machine.
By injecting toxic garbage like serious CNS toxins such as the heavy metal poisons of aluminum and mercury, formaldehyde preservatives, foreign DNA from dead babies (euphemistically called “human diploid tissue”) and more, the multi-trillion $ industry manages to weaken newly conceived human beings helping to make them sicker sooner or later.
What do they really care? They profit one way or the other. If the baby survives the toxic assault, they make some nice coin in the process. (Uh, you think vaccines are a money loser? Uh huh, that’s why there are over 90 of them in the pipelines under development and Gates et al are investing Billions in their development right? They’re money losers. Duh!)
If the baby gets sick as the result of the toxic vaccine assault, which grows more prolific each year it seems, they profit from the care of the sick child.
Either way they make money.
But hey, you just keep carrying water for them. They welcome all help from as many saps as they can get.
But hey, thanks for sharing. Have a good one.
It’s also not like everybody get it.
A product which you have to redesign and push through red tape each year, with limited market penetration? Doesn’t look like a bestseller to me. Better sell vitamin cocktails.
We can start by the fact that describing aluminum salts as a heavy metal suggests some misunderstandings.
This blog addressed aluminum adjuvants many times in the past. The search engine can help you find that.
Here is another accessible source about them.
@Terry: “As noted by PubMed: Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. ”
Pubmed doesn’t note anything, it’s just a database of papers in the medical sciences. It also contains papers of questionable quality, like the one you cite by Shaw and Tomljenovic. About half of their papers get retracted again. But of course, you knew that already.
Anyway, aluminimum may be a neurotoxin, but the aluminium salts you mention are too big to pass the blood-brain-barrier.
Science retracted the paper on XMRV retrovirus being associated with ME/CFS, basically calling it a sham. This lady is trying to drum up all kinds of theories to sell her book.
She deserved the attacks, she’s a fraud.
Why would the indusry oppose an idea that XMRV causes CFS ? There is lots of money to be make with antiviral drugs. And if cancer is a symptom, what is the cause ?
?… finally some sense on this page.
@Terry: “carcinogenic chemotherapy (so toxic a spill requires a hazmat suit to clean up),
carcinogenic radiation therapy
the surgical removal of localized cancer (a symptom-based approach which often results in the spread because the cause was not addressed, only the symptom).”
Your descriptions are wrong. I am a retired physician assistant and I have worked in medical oncology, radiation oncology, and general surgery. If all these things are as bad as you say, why are cancer death rates falling and more cancers are being cured? I was on scene when chemotherapy was proven curative against 90+% of testicular cancer cases, and again when chemotherapy was shown to be able to cure bladder cancer. Survival was judged at one time as going five years without recurrence. Now for many cancers it is ten and even fifteen years. I had surgery for prostate cancer 11 years ago and by your lights it should have spread. Yet here I am with essentially negative PSAs right up to this year. My mother had radiation therapy for breast cancer more than a dozen years ago. Guess what? At 93 she is still without cancer.
If you believe what you say then you are an ignoramus. If you know better and say it anyway you are a liar.
On March 28, 1986, Dr. Robert B. Strecker and his brother, Attorney Theodore A Strecker,
summitted the Historical Document, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, giving the US Government
Proof, AIDS/HIV, Cancers and other Diseases, were being intentionally spread during
Preventative Vaccinations Programs Globally. These diseases were being created in Labs and
Scientists were forcing Animal Diseases across the Species Barrier into Human Tissue Culture Cells
and creating these viruses to inject into human beings.
The solutions to most all Viruses, Bacteria, Fungus, Pathogens and Parasites has proven to be
“Oxidizers”, which destroys these problems to the Human Body Extremely Effectively. The
primary oxidizers used since the 1940’s are Ozone Therapy and Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.
More recently, in the 1990’s, a Master Mineral Solution, or MMS, was discovered by a Gold
Prospector named Jim Humble. MMS was used in Uganda against Malaria and documented on
film by a Red Cross worker. After 24-48 hours, 154 men, women and children were free of
Malaria. Unfortunately, after the video and documentation was presented as proof, the Red
Cross Headquarters had the proof removed from the Internet and a smear campaign began to
discredit the findings and proof.
1. Ozone & Oxygen Generators take incoming O2 and transforms it into O3. The Ozone
Generators can saturate the atmosphere of homes, hospitals, etc. and eliminate any
disease, pathogens, viruses, or fungus from the atmosphere very effectively. The Ozone
Generators are also used to oxygenate water for consumption and for cleaning the
Human Body and equipment. Ozone Generators have many uses, you just need to do
some research to Save Yourself from COVID-19 and anything else harmful to you and your
loved ones. “Ozone Generators Are Oxidizers” Oxidizers Kill Germs, Viruses, Diseases,
Pathogens’ and Parasites.
2. Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 35% is also an “Oxidizer”, which destroys pathogens,
viruses and diseases. The use of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is widely known as a
“Class 1 Oxidizer”, which Kills Bacteria, Fungus, Pathogens & Diseases on contact. Read
“Flood Your Body With Oxygen by, Ed McCabe. (Please Note: 35% Food Grade Hydrogen
Peroxide is Dangerous if not handled properly and should be kept out of reach of
children and stored in a cool place. If you place one drop on your finger and rub it into
another finger, it will burn and your contact fingers will look white, that’s the oxidation
process. Please use Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 35% with Caution.)
3. MMS, Master Mineral Solution, this solution basically destroys Bacteria, Viruses, Diseases,
Pathogens, Parasites’ and anything else harmful to the Human Body. Keep in Mind, MMS
Dose Not Cure, It Destroys Whatever Is Harmful To The Human Body and The Body Heals
1. Oxygen Therapies, Ed McCabe
2. Flood Your Body With Oxygen, Ed McCabe
3. BURZYNSKI, Cancer Is Serious Business
4. Vaccines, What CDC Documents & Science Reveal, Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny
5. HOXSEY: When Healing Becomes A Crime, Harry Hoxsey
6. Cancer The Forbidden Cures, Massimo Mazzucco
7. World Without Cancer: The Story of Laetrile, G. Edward Griffin
8. Understand MMS, Conversations with Jim Humble
9. MMS Health Recovery Handbook
10. AIDS Inc., Gary Null PhD
11. The Gerson Therapy Gerson Institute
12. A Cancer Therapy, Max Gerson
13. A Higher Form Of Killing; The Secret Story of Chemical and Biological Warfare, Robert Harris &
Jeremy Paxman
14. Dr. Robert B. Strecker,
15. Wake Up, Zears Miles Audio Interview,
16. Bacteria Inc., Cash Asher
17. The Cure Of All Diseases, Dr. Hulda Clark
18. Dr. William F. Koch Publications online, (Dr. Koch gave Cause & Cure of Cancer in 1918)
19. Dr. Royal R. Rife, Cured Every Known & Unknown Diseases in Early 1930’s
20. Forbidden Cures, Benjamin Ross
21. The BECK PROTOCOL A First AID Kit of The Future, Bob Beck (Free on
22. Colloidal Silver, You can find information on how to use and produce your own Colloidal Silver
Generator. DO NOT use Sterling Silver, use Pure 12 Gauge Silver Wire. An online source is, most of the Pure Silver Suppliers are closed due to coronavirus. Look in The
Beck Protocol for directions how to make a Colloidal Silver Generator. Although its 27v DC, you
can use 24v & 9v AC/DC Adaptors, or a 9v Battery with Alligator Clips. Follow instructions in The
Bob Beck Protocol.
23. THIS IS A BIO-ATTACK ALERT, Dr. Robert B. Strecker & Theodore A. Strecker
24. CORONAVIRUS 2020, UMOJA Research
2. Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 35% is also an “Oxidizer”, which destroys pathogens,
viruses and diseases. The use of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is widely known as a
“Class 1 Oxidizer”, which Kills Bacteria, Fungus, Pathogens & Diseases on contact. Read
“Flood Your Body With Oxygen by, Ed McCabe. (Please Note: 35% Food Grade Hydrogen
Peroxide is Dangerous if not handled properly and should be kept out of reach of
children and stored in a cool place. If you place one drop on your finger and rub it into
another finger, it will burn and your contact fingers will look white, that’s the oxidation
process. Please use Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 35% with Caution.)
I’d suggest you run that one by Jarad as he is the defacto team leader on the coronavirus task force and daddy has a whole lotta egg on is face after this stupid suggestion:
Do it, ,John Burns. Only you have the power, the influence. Nobody else is up to the challenge to stand up to trump’s withering gaze and suggest rationality.
Funny,,,,, media labels disinfectant as being bleach, lysol or other household product insisting he said to inject those and Trump is the one with egg on his face?
Because these are representative of that disinfectants are. Caustic and agressive for the inside of the human body.
And because Trump was indeed channeling bleach, as he was primed to do so by the peddlers of Mineral Miracle Solution a few days before his press conference.
I’ll grant you, maybe Trump was thinking of drinking a 70% ethanol solution. The FSM knows I’m sorely tempted sometimes to do so.
Still not a good idea.
From what I understand, he was describing a brainstorming conversation he just had with Bill Bryan, his Under Secretary for Science and Technology about how UV light and other disinfectants kill the virus so easily and wouldn’t it be great if we could get it into the lungs. The doctor had told him that surfactant medicines are indeed injected into the lungs and “helps keep the alveoli open to oxygenate the lungs”. I get that you’re anti-Trump, but how about a little fairness instead of just parroting the lies of Pelosi and her minions at CNN/MSNBC saying Trump told people to inject Lysol into their veins and that Trump wants to kill people.
@ Rob Burns
And Trump did say disinfectant, and talked of it like it would not just merely oxygenate the lungs, but actually kill the virus.
And he did say “by injection inside”. What I am supposed to understand?
Especially as he was also channeling some weird light therapy.
Look, I get that he badly expressed himself. And he did indeed mentions lungs. So he apparently mixed up a half-dozen things people told him the past hours or days, and it came that way.
But it’s not with me or Pelosi or whoever is your scarecrow du jour you should be upset with.
IRL, I’m really bad at expressing myself and people keep asking me to repeat myself. I know I have no-one to blame but myself. Notably if I misled people.
Seems I should be blaming Pelosi instead.
Pelosi nothing. I learned of it by reading the transcript of what he said.
Which I put below, in case you don’t believe me.
TRUMP: So, supposedly when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting, right? And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.
@Athaic: “maybe Trump was thinking of drinking a 70% ethanol solution. The FSM knows I’m sorely tempted sometimes to do so.
Still not a good idea.”
I think it’s a great idea. A 70% alcohol solution equals 140 proof. There are several brands of rum I’m aware of that have a higher proof than that, and I think that occasionally drinking some is a wonderful idea. It won’t make me any safer but it might make social distancing a bit more tolerable.
to every complex problem there is a simple solution and its wrong.
can’t find much in that list that is current peer reviewed science. some good tinfoil hat theory though
It was only sarcasm. Sheesh!
Orac is being unusually kind to cranks, creeps, and crazies today.
I can see another piece of propaganda and conspiracy against particular Dr. Spesialy about Bill Gates who is not a doctor or specialist on that field, but has involved in that process. Also, still to many questions not answered. So, many people can see some kind of dirty business is going on between big and powerful gays, who trying blame each other and fight for the money and power, and keep regular people in darkness to unknown the situation to what is going on? I can see only one thing here, to brainwashed people and manipulating them for some reason. This is totally terrifying and disgusting things to do. That’s completely wrong. So, your source is not different than others conspiracy theorists and propaganda.
Could you rephrase that in English?
For a moment there, I though Dr. Spesialy was meant to be a person and wondered what sort of crank they were.
I then realised that spelling, grammar and coherence were not meant to be part of this comment.
Presumably one imbues the information contained by some secret ritual.
Not only antisemitism (further up the page) but also homophobia. “Dirty business between big and powerful gays”? What the hell are you on?
Daddy? You got that pack of cigs finally? My hole salutes you.
RL: “What the hell are you on?”
He is on 80 proof conspiracy juice. Be careful with that stuff, because it will melt your brain!
Dr. Robert B Strecker and Attorney Theodore A. Strecker exposed the intentional spread of AIDS, Cancers and other Diseases to the FBI, CIA, Congress, Senators and President of USA on March 28, 1986.
1. Oxygen Therapies, Ed McCabe
2. Flood Your Body With Oxygen, Ed McCabe
3. BURZYNSKI, Cancer Is Serious Business
4. Vaccines, What CDC Documents & Science Reveal, Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny
5. HOXSEY: When Healing Becomes A Crime, Harry Hoxsey
6. Cancer The Forbidden Cures, Massimo Mazzucco
7. World Without Cancer: The Story of Laetrile, G. Edward Griffin
8. Understand MMS, Conversations with Jim Humble
9. MMS Health Recovery Handbook
10. AIDS Inc., Gary Null PhD
11. The Gerson Therapy Gerson Institute
12. A Cancer Therapy, Max Gerson
13. A Higher Form Of Killing; The Secret Story of Chemical and Biological Warfare, Robert Harris &
Jeremy Paxman
14. Dr. Robert B. Strecker,
15. Wake Up, Zears Miles Audio Interview,
16. Bacteria Inc., Cash Asher
17. The Cure Of All Diseases, Dr. Hulda Clark
18. Dr. William F. Koch Publications online, (Dr. Koch gave Cause & Cure of Cancer in 1918)
19. Dr. Royal R. Rife, Cured Every Known & Unknown Diseases in Early 1930’s
20. Forbidden Cures, Benjamin Ross
21. The BECK PROTOCOL A First AID Kit of The Future, Bob Beck (Free on
22. Colloidal Silver, You can find information on how to use and produce your own Colloidal Silver
Generator. DO NOT use Sterling Silver, use Pure 12 Gauge Silver Wire. An online source is, most of the Pure Silver Suppliers are closed due to coronavirus. Look in The
Beck Protocol for directions how to make a Colloidal Silver Generator. Although its 27v DC, you
can use 24v & 9v AC/DC Adaptors, or a 9v Battery with Alligator Clips. Follow instructions in The
Bob Beck Protocol.
23. THIS IS A BIO-ATTACK ALERT, Dr. Robert B. Strecker & Theodore A. Strecker
24. CORONAVIRUS 2020, UMOJA Research
John Burns, do you know what happens if a new born infant is given pure oxygen rather than oxygen diluted to the appropriate ratio with air? They go blind.
Oxygen is a dangerous gas, and anyone who thinks you should “flood your body with oxygen” is a dangerous fool.
JustaTech, putting someone with COPD on pure oxygen long enough will frequently depress their respiratory drive and paradoxically make them hypoxic. So there’s that, too.
The stupid. It Burns.
He seems to be a one-trick pony, just randomly posting the same thing anywhere he can.
@AT: “That you cast dispersions (sic) on the filmmaker outs your agenda — not good enough to savage Mikovits, you must try to impune (sic) the character of Mikki”
When someone makes a film pushing a claim and the person making the claim favorably then the filmmaker has an agenda and it’s completely legitimate to criticize them, and if they’re peddling pretend science, it’s okay to point it out.
Nobody is being impugned here because Orac is not raising doubts. He’s clearly and plainly calling bullshit.
Mining Woo for profit.
An expat friend of mine wanted me to watch that Plandemic pile of shit. WHY WHY WHY do these hee-haw conspiracy yokels almost always insist on video for their proselytizing? … It’s because their main audience has not read anything longer than a People Magazine article since ninth grade.
Thanks for a thorough analysis of this anal-product.
No, People Magazine is much too “wordy”. The extent of their literacy is confined to making sure that box of Camels is “no filter”. Loved your post!
The documentary acted as if the FBI/SWAT team raided her home. I am not sure where the footage came from? Reading about her arrest, it was said she turned herself in? So am I wrong or was this sensationalism?
You’re not wrong, & it was sensationalism. Intended to tie in with the whole “poor persecuted brave maverick scientist” schtick. I mean, a SWAT team to arrest someone in a civil suit?
Thank you for this. The amount of people beleiving in these conspiracy theories/theorists and anti-vaxxers are mind boggling. When they post stupid videos like this I don’t know whether or not to try and prove them wrong or just let them believe what they want to believe because its unlikely they’ll change their mind anyway.
Orac writes,
“Mikovits asks why we’re closing beaches because there are ‘healing microbes in the sand,'”…
MJD says,
In contradiction, a study indicated that a variety of pathogens have been reported from beach sands, and recent epidemiology studies have found some evidence of health risks associated with sand exposure.
Mikovits uses of beach sand, and their microorganisms, as a mysterious healing remedy is bizarre.
Ahahahahhahha so weak. Arguing about sand being good or bad for you!!
The truth is stronger and it will be seen.
Ms Mikovits argued about sand being good for you. Who needs enemies eh Judy? When you’ve got pals like Nikki.
I live near the beach in North Carolina. I used to kick off my shoes and leave them by the steps when I went for morning walks, enjoying the feeling of sand between my toes. I found, however, that I was constantly suffering athletes foot or other infections and so decided to keep my Crocs in place as I walk. I have not been troubled with foot infections since.
Thank God you wrote this extensive review. I almost wanted to vomit reading the thousands and thousands of posts about this fraud. As a retired Army Colonel RN for over 45 years I have traveled the world treating the enemy and our own. Science matters. Honest science matters even more.
You are my new hero!
Judy Mikovits is a poster child for bad science and conspiracy theorist everywhere.
She is nothing more than an angry person who is trying to sell her book and documentary, and I use that term loosely.
I did find it interesting that one of the things I honed in on was also something you brought up, she was a revered scientist but she was working as a bartender. Big red flag ?
Umm … most definately NOT a revered scientis
[…] More epic backstory on the “star” of the “documentary” Plandemic. […]
Just curious where you get all of your data and how you know the data you write about is factual? Trying to get the big picture!
There’s source links to everything stated. Usually the beginning of the sentence
Her assertions about the similarity to hiv coincide with this research (which she mentions):
What can you say about it?
Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus. (archived)
This now-withdrawn paper claims that SARS-CoV-2 has “uncanny similarity” to HIV-1, implying that it was engineered or recombinated with it in some way.
It has been widely debunked by other scientists. Such inserts can also be found in bacteria, bacteriophages (viruses that only attack bacteria), and other viruses, including other coronaviruses (directly contradicting the paper). In fact, any six-letter sequence is likely to match against an HIV protein.
With an understanding of the science involved, and after doing my own research, funny! I’ve come, exactly, to the same conclusion: this movie is another piece of manipulative crap.
It’s amazing how in the age of Artificial Intelligence greed and evil, still, scuffles to meet Natural Stupidity.
Glad to read your article, let’s keep it on.
Is the intentional violation of copyright laws in her YouTube video a brilliant move? It seems unlikely that any content producer would be unaware how closely they police for fair use.
It allows a group trying to market and sell a book and documentary drum up attention by claiming YouTube is helping the shadowy forces of big government and big pharma cover up information “They” don’t want you to know?
Would somebody who actually sat through the video please explain to me what this is all about?
YouTube is absurdly strict when it comes to videos using other people’s copyrighted material. In fact, some content creators have had their videos taken down after spurious complaints were made to YouTube. If I understand correctly, Mikovits is using other people’s/businesses’ copyrighted material. This would lead to complaints and the video being taken down, allowing Mikovits to shout “conspiracy!”
You are my new hero!
Judy Mikovits is a poster child for bad science and conspiracy theorist everywhere.
She is nothing more than an angry person who is trying to sell her book and documentary, and I use that term loosely.
I did find it interesting that one of the things I honed in on was also something you brought up, she was a revered scientist but she was working as a bartender. Big red flag ?
That was not Mikovits’ only attempt to leech from the Vaccine Court system by the provision of Expert Witnessing. I refer you to this entertaining document,
in which Special Master Moran goes on at some length explaining why he rejected Judy’s own assessment of $350 / hour as reflecting the hourly value of her research and testimony, and reduced it to $250 and then down to $150 on account of lack of reputation or competence. Our old friend Clifford Shoemaker turns up on the same gravy-train.
Based on her reputation and bona fides, Ms. Mikovits’ credentials are simply not in the same league as experts who are paid $250 (or more) per hour. While this does not mean that Ms. Mikovits is incapable of providing expert testimony on specific topics, it does mean that she cannot expect to be paid the same hourly rate as those with much better reputations than she. Individuals with better reputations are, presumably, in far higher demand. Accordingly, based on the rate that the undersigned found reasonable for non-medically trained immunologists—$250 per hour—the undersigned makes an additional deduction of 40%. This deduction reflects Ms. Mikovits’ relative lack of reputability in the field compared to comparable experts. This results in a rate of $150 per hour for a non-medically trained immunologist of Ms. Mikovits’ reputation.
After Frank Ruscetti retired from NIH, he and Mikovits set up “MAR Consulting”. I am not sure entirely what consultancy work they provided, other than Expert Witnessing in failed Vaccine Court litigation, and presentations to VaccineOne scamfests.
“MAR Consulting” has submitted a number of reports in Vaccine Program cases, all signed by both Mr. Ruscetti and Ms. Mikovits but with Ms. Mikovits being the testifying witness in each case. Thus, it remains unclear the extent to which the opinions contained in the report reflect the analysis and conclusions of Mr. Ruscetti exclusively. The invoice for the work indicates that a small fraction of the work was performed by Mr. Ruscetti.
The MAR Website is no longer extant and I do not know if the company still exists.
Check with cloudflare, Orac. This same little text problem here also shows on the 502 error from them that you’re unreachable.
HTML insertion. Whatever it takes, I guess, to keep you safe (strangely enough, the text is not fucked up on a firefox browser but it also indicates your site is buckling*).
*No other sites I visit are exhibiting this strange behavior.
I just turned on Cloudflare’s “under attack” mode. I’ve had over 420K requests in the last few hours, with only 18K unique visits, which makes me think I’m under DDoS attack. I’m going to leave it on overnight and then reevaluate.
Seems fixed now but this morning from around 8-10 cdt it was unusable for me. It would eventually go through after about 5 minutes (which is strange because usually the browser gives up before then; and I never saw the cloudflare* checking browser page except the half of times it did not make it with 502)
On mobile, it would just be a blank page with the green banner at the top.
Does refreshing the page count as a ‘visit’? Because that is only 23 refreshes per unique visit to see new comments (don’t know if your page or dashboard looks the same but the ‘search and explore’ is missing now. I like the new look otherwise).
*Cloudflare is a bit squirrelly sometimes. Between browsers and vpn on or off, I would see my comments in one combination but not the other for quite a few minutes. I guess they cache at different servers depending on routing/BGP.
Also, that whole checking browser page sometimes requires to allow webgl to execute for fingerprinting. Thanks. I hate it.
I’ve become inured to redesigns (although the Wheatish #F4E1B7 strikes me as an odd choice), but yah, the lack of a “recent comments” widgets is a pretty serious lacuna.
It is a total shit show. It varies between browsers and even ip addresses. I would try to lay this all on cloudflare injection and caching but it is too fucked up to even lay that on them.
Orac, fire your IT guy. And if it is stll Alain, then don’t fire him but tell him to step it up (sorry, don’t know the ever changeing wordpress/jetpack format html tag for strikethough) help you figure this out.
All these karens in here that need a dose of insolence and the place looks like shit. I’d say, a first starting point is to loose cloudflare. But that is just a suggestion.
Something in transition is always painful, but this is a clusterfuck.
I’ve also noticed the “reply” button placing the replies in seemingly random places, including before that which was being replied to.
Wow, it’s been years since my non-Gravatar pointed at “xtralog.”
P.S. The “save my name” checkbox is clearing itself every other comment over here.
It must be multiple discrete server caching. I can make a comment, come back an hour later, and see a page refresh that was in a state before I even made the comment!
Perhaps it is a cloudflare switch set wrong? IDK. But, clearing cookies and cache seems to fix it. Sometimes.
On the positive side, pages load lightning fast now compared to anything they ever did in the past and the #comments under the article is a nice feature (even though it seems not to jive with ## (which is always lower) after clicking on the article).
I could just chalk it up to high volume, I’m only a simpleton troll, but the mechanism for such strange behavior eludes me. If it has to be just slower, then that is better, in my book.
As a conspiracy theorist, I hope you are not diddling around with AMP and it is just hidden???
Ahh. I see it all explained on your not-so-secret other blog.
Never mind. Allthough, ‘bare bones’ should act less squirelly, not more.
Perhaps put a Patreon link beside the stupid blue ‘f’?
Do you mean at the bottom of the page? Those links work on my Android tablet but not with FF 75 on my Windoze laptop. I haven’t tried the 4,1 MacBook Pro, because the fans run constantly when it’s in use, and I may wind up actually needing it before too long.
The rest of the machines are on the South Side in places that I’ve been given refuge in.
Yah, I too have just seen the SBM post.
Never mind.
That could be related to FF inbuilt blocker/tracker settings. I think the only scripts that must run are respectfulinsolence, wordpress, and wp.
I do not like the late model FFs, their settings pages are too cludgy and mobile-like. Also, tying the behavior of one setting to other settings makes it pretty much a lost cause to force behavior as I would actually like to have it.
For instance, there is no option to not send the DNT but only not to send it if FF is set to block trackers. There is that, and, of course, the always send checkbox. Guhh! I don’t want to send the header and I don’t want to let firefox manage tracker blocking (that is what ublock origin and umatrix* are for).
That is why I stick with forks based off the glory days of XUL which is what a functional noscript likes with its’ easy right click tuning of sites. There is no crap hamburger menus with stuff you want to do nested three levels deep. I hate mobification.
Stay away from Waterfox, though. I’m afraid they went the way of Startpage and sold out to some potentially shady characters related to the advertising industry.
*umatrix is so very powerful and as fine tunable, page by page, as one would like (it is blocking 36 scripts on this page with still full functionality, for instance) but sometimes it is just better not to peek at the horrid reality of so many facebook, doubleclick, and google analytics calls. SMH.
p.s. I meant the #comments now shows on the home page under each offering of insolence.
The problem seems to have been resolved.
But, yah, I’m not crazy about FF at the moment, which seems to be trying to push updates every other day. Even worse is ABP on Windoze, which has almost no conveniently accessed granularity for users.
Ah, good ole ABP. But it has not been the standard of care for several years now.
Try ublock origin (not ublock) it defaults to incorporating the same ‘ricks easylist’ as ABP plus many others you can tick on or off such as facebook following you around anytime you see the stupid blue f on the page, cookie popups, paywalls (sometimes), and much more.
Push updates only ‘every other day’? Damn. That must be nice. Before I blew my trusty mobo and landed with this piece of crap, I had FF 71 or 72 on (because I could never get reddit video to do right with any build of palemoon) and that thing would nag every five minutes or so before shutting up. And always nag after a restart of the browser or just waiting a day before refreshing it. After a month, it updated itself anyways and set all my about:config preferences back to superspy.
The fix is to grab a developer build and you can turn off automatic updates or even calling out to check for them. Also, you can sideload any extention (not just approved ones from Mozilla) and keep them all working in the event that Mozilla forgets to renew a signing certificate again, and tick individual ones not to check for updates*.
Southside. Gallagers, man.
*ABP as well as ublock regrabs easylist every couple of days by default — I seem to remember a switch to keep that process silent.
oops. I forgot your beef with ABP was with granularity. Try UBO. Oh, before I forget; It also puts a stop to most ‘please turn off your adblocker to continue’ crap, even on Forbes (though they may have dropped that practice anyways).
Naturally, it has a big button to turn it off for unobjectionable sites.
As per the above ycombinator link, apparently the developer, nightly, and release builds don’t play nice together with the profile folder — it is recommended to make a backup of it.
Any idea how to globally disable rollovers with ublock?
I had to Ecosia (because my google is broken) ‘rollover’; But no, I do not**. If you were only talking about the big blue ‘f’ and whatnot (except the login with — those are still there as they are under jetpack) then that is fixed by checking the easy privacy, Fanboy’s social, Fanboy’s annoyance, anti-facebook, and social annoyance filters.
You might find a lead here:
And probably you’d need to dig into the ‘my rules’ syntax — But, if you’re talking about it highlighting any link, then I think it would also render the link unclickable and just text kinda like happens to me with noscript sometimes.
That would require extra steps of copying and pasting the url into a new tab. Barbaric.
**unless the concern is browser prefetching and caching those links; in that case, with FF, there are settings in about:config to stop that.
I think I misunderstood what you wanted to stop.
NoScript stops all that, sometimes to the point of breaking the whole page as it sometimes lacks ‘granularity’.
NoScript is no longer useful to me on modern FF because of them dropping XUL. Thus the simple right click interface is replaced with something ‘kludgy’ and not at all intuitive. Umatrix is the new kid on the block and that will do exactly what you are asking. There is a learning curve (at least, for me).
^^ That would certainly do it. Testing on YouRube to stop the preview playing on hover works perfectly; It is only that the entire page is now just grey rectangles.
Umatrix is what you want. Goes hand in hand with Ublock Origin — I dare say I haven’t run active antivirus (other than to sometimes check …questionable…budget software or search and destroy on the rare occasion that my usual state of not checking said software has lead to an oopsie(s)) in 15 years since using ad block/script block combinations.
>This same little text problem here also shows on the 502 error from them that you’re unreachable.
I suspect the font problem is just you. There hasn’t been any sign of it here, at least.
^ Although after “upgrading to Firefox 75, the comment, name, and E-mail fields (and comment leading) are enormous. At least I was able to revert the address bar to its previous behavior.
Hello? I don’t think that last comment made it through.
Getting behind cloudflare has fucked your shit up beyond belief.
Things actually look fine to me at the moment. The site is responsive again, and comments are showing up.
People desperate for a story to help them feel special and smart will continue down these unfortunate rabbit holes despite your best efforts. On behalf of those who are more interested in the history and probable evolution of this particular conspiracy theory, thank you for taking the time to put this together.
WOW! You are highly motivated to completely crap on her story.
I think you’re full of shit guy.
And yet you can’t point out a single error in fact, science, or logic in my post. Ri-ight.?
She even claimed that in 1999 she worked at Fort Detrick in order to “teach Ebola how to infect human cells,” further claiming that Ebola couldn’t infect human cells until it had been “taught” how to do it.
As outlandish as this claim is, Ebola was in human population in the 1970’s. I follow simple rule where I see someone make 1 blatantly false and then I don’t have to waste any more time listening to their crazy or insidious lies.
Thanks for this properly researched and communicated blog post.
Why do I see the image of a class filled with ebola virussses and a teacher telling them how to infect human cells in my mind, if I read about miss Mikovitz teaching the ebola virus how to infect human cells?
I’m not sure what truth can be heard in either one of these spin-doctors, but the “sounds of silence” can be clearly read in The Discover Magazine article from July 19, 2013 cited in a comment above and discussed below. After reading that article, it’s clear that the truth is NOT in this virulent attack by an anonymous, unscientific, allopathic “onc-columist.”
Good scientists don’t write this kind of garbage full of half-truths and outright lies, or “mistakes” in the truth. Check out the Discover article to see what I mean, but the only reason I write here at all is my bone is with the allopathic distortion of physiology and human health that underlies all this research and intervention into natural medicine on Earth.
It’s a highly-destructive game of humans manipulating nature, and look where it’s gotten us. Think the US didn’t import Nazi scientists from Germany and hide their laboratories, after WWII to start up US chemical and biological warfare research? Think again. Think the COVID virus just lept on some poor shopper at a Wuhan seafood market, with the lab WE HELPED FUND, just 900 yards away?Really? And what kind of logical evidence, instead of hearsay, half-truth claims would suggest that?
Personally, I think US allopathic medicine and it’s involvement in this type of research is the real story we should be examining here. AND here’s my takeaway column on it:
For those who have read this information about Judy Mikovits from the “oncolumist” who both ridicules and disputes the videos sometimes still circulating on Judy Mikovits and the Pandemic, the Discover article is a credible place to start sorting out the evidence. The backs up a lot of the facts claimed in the video, and contradicts a lot of the slanderous libel in the opinionated writing of this poorly-trained professional who is so clearly invested in the ignorance of interventionist medicine.
Sadly, an allopathic-trained oncologist who blogs incessantly behind a pseudonym no less, just isn’t a good, front-range source of the truth, as the Discover article makes clear….So, if you’ve read the “Respectful Ignorance,” I mean, “Insolence,” column about Mikovis and COVID, but then make sure you read the Discover Magazine article too.
Without adding any facts to this aspect of the story, I want to comment on the brief history of US medicine that was mentioned in the Pandemic trailer, (according to the on-columist) and ridiculed in his column. This back story, which is far from irrelevant today, is unfortunately, all too true….According to the pitiful, anonymous oncologist, the movie is promoting pseudoscience because it says:
“In the early 1900s, America’s first Billionaire, John D. Rockefeller bought a German pharmaceutical company that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war.
Rockefeller wanted to eliminate the competitors of Western medicine, so he submitted a report to Congress declaring that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities were unscientific quackery.
Rockefeller called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only his organization be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US. And so began the practice of immune suppressive, synthetic and toxic drugs.
Once people had become dependent on this new system and the addictive drugs it provided, the system switched to a paid program, creating lifelong customers for the Rockefellers.”
Sadly, this story about the history of US medicine is the truth–which is why we primarily now have a high-tech, “barber surgeon’s” perspective of human health and medicine in this country. And that is also why lay midwifery is legal today in only 16 states–yes, you can go to jail in the other 34 if you assist a woman giving birth, without a license. And that is also why episiotomies are still done in almost 99% of hospital births in the US, (resulting in lifelong pain and medical problems, sometimes including additional surgeries, for many women)– even though the last medical study I saw from Canada indicated that episiotomies were only “medically necessary” in about 7% of childbirths).
So we have this expensive, unnecessary, and debilitating surgery done almost automatically by a lot of male OB-gyns–fir their convenience, the hospitals’ profit, and at great expense to women’s health. Surprised? If you want to read more about this back story of how the male OB-gyns first went to Carnegie and Mellon in the late1800s to stop competition from midwives and how this then led to formation of the AMA and the closing of all alternative med schools in America, then read the book I did in the 1970s by Gina Corea: “The Hidden Malpractice Against Women”–and you’ll have a better understanding of why herbal medicine and plants are so poorly understood in America–(in contrast say to Germany, where e-documents on herbal research are published and funded by taxpayer dollars).
This isn’t just a history of malpractice against women. This is the story of “malpractice” against all Americans, and the ignorant, high-dollar funding of both sides of this story that has led to the ill-health of millions of Americans and the irrational prejudice against the practice of Indigenous and natural medicine in the U.S.
It’s a sad history about greed, and White, upper-class, men’s control of childbirth and women’s health, and
it describes the practices most people think are based on science and almost all the medicine that U.S. insurance companies are willing to pay for. Instead, understanding medical paradigms should lead you to understand why most US doctors are so ignorant about alternative medicine and why Integrative Medicine was developed as a new paradigm in the first place. Not that this perspective of medicine is practiced–or even understood–by most licensed physicians in the U.S.
This is the sad history of medicine we have in this country….”Read’em and weep,” I say boys….if you’ve got a trace of empathy or intelligence in your bones, and you want the woman you love to be healthy and bear healthy children, then stop this virulent oppression.
And yet, for that long rant, you can’t point out a single error of fact, science, or logic in my post. Oh, and I did read the Discovery article. It doesn’t support your rant.?
Oh, what fun! The bit about malpractice on women… so this is someone who is opposite of ProudConservative.
What fun! You have angered folks both on right and left extremes. Which in the end are the same. It is an ouroboros.
“Pandemic trailer”
Not only did you not read the Discovery article, you did not read the title of this blog post. I doubt you had the patience to read the long long article that Orac is famous for.
My hint was you got the name of the movie wrong.
@ Chris:
Notice how the woo-entrenched often attempt to get women into their camp by recitatives about how badly women have been treated by medicine decades/ centuries ago.
It’s not as if SBM has not ever addressed those issues repeatedly since the 1970s. Many doctors ARE women.
Woo-meisters and anti-vaxxers take up feminism because they want women as followers ( see AoA, TMR, Del, Andy) and they know that women might but more of their products ( see, NN etc.)
Also: “Rockefeller” clues us in with their views about SBM/ pharma
@Choshe: Your long post left out an elephant in the room, and that’s the fact that all the historical wrongs, and the present ones, are things you know about because medicine is always a work in progress, and what is wrong, scientifically or socially, is corrected as soon as it’s understood to be wrong. The peddlers of superstitious and unscientific crap never correct themselves or their doctrines no matter how many times they are proven wrong.
Your admiration for German government funding of “herbal research paid for by taxpayer” euros is reflective of the long German tradition of believing in superstitious and magical claptrap. It’s no accident that it takes place in the birthplace of homeopathy. Over the centuries, large numbers of Germans have proven at least as susceptible to appealing nonsense as any other people, if not more.
You describe Orac as “anonymous” several times. When I wanted to know Orac’s name, it took me less than a minute to find it out. In fact the first two entries on a Startpage search had his name right there. Same on Qwant and DuckDuckgo. On it was just a little farther down the page. I will make it easy for you. “Who is blogger called Orac” – copy and paste into your favorite search engine and enter. You don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes, or even Woodward or Bernstein, to investigate that far.
There you go!
>my bone is with the allopathic distortion of physiology
“my bone is with the allopathic distortion of physiology”
Funny, distorted physiology never gave me a bone.
I’m a DO and even I don’t call anything “allopathic.” As soon as I see that term used I know what’s coming next. Thank you for reaffirming…
BTW – do some research before your next “fit.” “All natural healing modalities are unscientific quackery?” I refer you to our second tenet: “The body is capable of self-regulation, self-healing, and health maintenance.” What could be more natural? The NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine is in the Rockefeller building and a Rockefeller was critical to its founding. At a time when osteopathy was definitely NOT considered “Mainstream Western medicine,” the Rockefellers invested millions to promote it. Ol’ JD, himself, established the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research circa 1907 that included a broad array of osteopathic research.
Are there “homeopathic-trained” oncologists?
And… how do you know it even originated in Wuhan?
There are always 3 sides to every story.
The 3rd side is unseen, or hidden, or
what I love as a “learner” the undiscovered.
As they say, Right What You Know.
Get busy Learning or get busy selling your
Stupidity. Humanity has this tendency of
Believing that we know most of what there is
To know. We look backwards at what we’ve learned. However the real geniuses look forward into the darkness and bridge. We have much to learn. And will. Soon new technological advancements will carry us through much of what we haven’t found solutions through. And vast improvements towards humanities future.
Personally I’m hopeful. That the controllers of Earth will be exposed and side lined. The meek may find peace. Money and its powers will fade.
We all really need to be free, not afraid.
The truth is coming.
AGREED! Well said:)
>Get busy Learning or get busy selling your
I was working on combinatorics this weekend, and indeed learned some things. You?
What an elegantly strung together collection of word vomit
Keith: “There are always 3 sides to every story.”
See you, and raise you one.
Ambassador Kosh Naranek: “Understanding is a three-edged sword.”
Who says there are three sides to every story?
I’m thinking of the movie “Rashomon.
And there are some stories that only have one side – truth.
10 points to anyone who can correctly identify Ambassador Kosh Naranek, 25 if you can demonstrate your knowledge in a way that shows you know but doesn’t reveal it to the non-cognoscenti.
So instead of wasting precious minutes bashing one side or the other (though entertaining for the readers it is), use your own free-thinking, intelligent mind to decide for yourself (given the volumes of info)…then wait. I can only HOPE disease/sickness won’t be on the rise after we FULLY re-open. But that remains to be seen.
I did spend a couple of hours “deciding for myself.” That’s why I wrote this post. You’re welcome.?
Nice…”Deciding for YOURSELF”…All anyone could ask for:)
I like that answer very much. And also this one from above:
May 6, 2020 at 9:08 pm
There are always 3 sides to every story.
The 3rd side is unseen, or hidden, or
what I love as a “learner” the undiscovered.
As they say, Right What You Know.
Get busy Learning or get busy selling your
Stupidity. Humanity has this tendency of
Believing that we know most of what there is
To know. We look backwards at what we’ve learned. However the real geniuses look forward into the darkness and bridge. We have much to learn. And will. Soon new technological advancements will carry us through much of what we haven’t found solutions through. And vast improvements towards humanities future.
Personally I’m hopeful. That the controllers of Earth will be exposed and side lined. The meek may find peace. Money and its powers will fade.
We all really need to be free, not afraid.
The truth is coming.
That’s a very appropriate ‘nym. Presumably you became a free thinker when no one was willing to pay a penny for your thoughts.
Rd has “jokes” Love the humor. All in good pun-fun?
I was fact checking the “Plandemic” vignette featuring Dr Judy Mikovits and I found the articles below interesting.
Snopes Facts here =>
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), reputable news source, shares facts on Dr’s arrest. The Dr’s “gag order” the result of her lawsuit with her former company after her firing. =>
This Heavy article, a non-biased news source, touches on claims of the Dr and why the video is taken down on social media. =>
Wikipedia on the Dr here =>
Retraction article from AAAS is interesting. See last paragraph.
The Dr’s “gag order” the result of her lawsuit with her former company after her firing. =>
There is nothing in the Science report about a “gag order”. If Mikovits is claiming that some kind of “gag order” has silenced her for the last few years, she really needs to come up with some evidence, or people are going to write her off as a shameless lying fraudster.
You’re a member of which political party? If you say you’re a Democrat, well, you just flushed any credibility down the toilet. The Democrats are liars and are in on this with Gates, Fauci, and others. This whole thing was funded by Obama in 2011, back when they tried to create something with the avian flu. Since there was too much fear in playing with that, they switched to coronaviruses. It makes sense since coronaviruses are far more common and more easily found in nature. Dr. Fauci was heavily involved and most likely Democrat scientists from US labs were as well. That’s why China blamed the United States. Democrats are using this to full push their agenda and to change the United States into a communist country, in fully unity and coalition with the Chinese Communist Party. Gates gets to use this to push his eugenics, to get everyone microchipped, and to further his vaccines for all agenda. Fauci gets to make billions from the vaccine sales. The Democrats will get to track your every movement and activity. Gates will be able to have a database that will put the ones built through Alexa, Siri, and Google Home to shame. Your information will be sold repeatedly. They will use the information against you when needed.
Basically, anyone who is treating the words of Gates, Fauci and the Democratic leadership as gospel are going to be in for a rude awakening. If you love the United States, you will push back against this grossly obvious attempt to screw this country over and sell it to the highest bidder. On the other hand, if you hate the United States, continue doing your thing. We will be in another civil war and this one will not end with a reunited country and if the country is reunited, the rebels will be the winners this time.
Honestly, it’d be better if all the liberals would just board planes heading towards China, Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. If they want totalitarianism, GTFO. We will survive just fine and if you screw with us from over there, there are nukes for that.
For all that long rant, you haven’t pointed out a single error in fact, science, or reasoning in my post.
And yes, I’m laughing AT you, not with you. You don’t realize how idiotic you sound.?
It seems you are having a wee bit of fun tonight. It is almost like dealing with a bunch of folks like Scudamore and the Schlafly brothers.
Signed, the former HCN 😉
Agreed. Good call out.
Deer silly person, why would Bill Gates use the products of competitors like Apple and Google? Do you not understand how capitalistic companies work? They compete with each other, they do not cooperate.
Oh, wait… it seems you do not know how science works. Science does not care about politics, except when it gets in its way. Like the the church in Italy going after Galileo and calculus.
@ Chris
Like the the church in Italy going after Galileo and calculus.
The Church attacked calculus?
I have heard some of the nuttier US fundamentals attack set theory but I never heard of an attack on calculus.
Yes. The Jesuits did like stuff like there being infinite points on a line:
Why did I leave out a very important word, mainly “not” , as in “The Jesuits did not like stuff like there being infinite points on a line:”
“We will be in another civil war and this one will not end with a reunited country and if the country is reunited, the rebels will be the winners this time.”
Go drink your rightard coolaid and dream about your “Boogaloo”.
Is there a secret Democrat handshake? I’m just wondering if the only scientists in labs were Democrats, or if they had some kind of nod/wink system to make sure they didn’t spill the conspiracy beans to the wrong person.
Would it be fair to say that the further politically right you go the less scientific learning is valued and the further left you go the less scientific learning is valued?
NumberWang: “Would it be fair to say that the further politically right you go the less scientific learning is valued and the further left you go the less scientific learning is valued?”
If we use the left, right, and middle of the road metaphor, the extremes of right and left meet in a foul stinking culvert under the road.
I think maybe you mean “leftists”, not “liberals”.
Recombinant DNA
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Construction of recombinant DNA, in which a foreign DNA fragment is inserted into a plasmid vector. In this example, the gene indicated by the white color is inactivated upon insertion of the foreign DNA fragment.
Recombinant DNA (rDNA) molecules are DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of genetic recombination (such as molecular cloning) to bring together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be found in the genome.
Recombinant DNA is the general name for a piece of DNA that has been created by combining at least two strands. Recombinant DNA is possible because DNA molecules from all organisms share the same chemical structure, and differ only in the nucleotide sequence within that identical overall structure. Recombinant DNA molecules are sometimes called chimeric DNA, because they can be made of material from two different species, like the mythical chimera. R-DNA technology uses palindromic sequences and leads to the production of sticky and blunt ends.
The DNA sequences used in the construction of recombinant DNA molecules can originate from any species. For example, plant DNA may be joined to bacterial DNA, or human DNA may be joined with fungal DNA. In addition, DNA sequences that do not occur anywhere in nature may be created by the chemical synthesis of DNA, and incorporated into recombinant molecules. Using recombinant DNA technology and synthetic DNA, literally any DNA sequence may be created and introduced into any of a very wide range of living organisms.
Proteins that can result from the expression of recombinant DNA within living cells are termed recombinant proteins. When recombinant DNA encoding a protein is introduced into a host organism, the recombinant protein is not necessarily produced.[1] Expression of foreign proteins requires the use of specialized expression vectors and often necessitates significant restructuring by foreign coding sequences.[2]
Recombinant DNA differs from genetic recombination in that the former results from artificial methods in the test tube, while the latter is a normal biological process that results in the remixing of existing DNA sequences in essentially all organisms.
time to grab some more ammo, get back in the bunker & study Chairman Bannon’s little black book some more. your leaders are the problem not the solution, they don’t care about you, they are in it for money & power. you are the cannon fodder.
I love how these “freedom-loving” conservatives are perfectly happy espousing the ideas of civil war and killing their political opponents.
The Founding Fathers would be proud, I’m sure…..
Well, that’s what they did. I believe it was called something like the war of independence.
Have you lost wit?
You know? I’ve been thinking about something lately. For years we allowed nonsense like this to dominate the comment sections of every website, most of the FB comments, discussions at the brewery, etc, etc. We ignored people like you because it was clear that you were just a blowhard unworthy of our time or attention.
Trouble is, impressionable folks have waded into the fever swamp of your creation and assume that everyone thinks like you do. There has been little pushback, that was a mistake. Your bizarre, unmoored-from-reality perspectives are NOT the majority opinion; rather, we have just been silent because you were not worth our time.
This has to change. We must start to call out nonsense where nonsense be. We must resi